Morris reveals the everyday life of managing schoolwork, subways and saut de chats
Dance students spend hours in the studio, week after week, fine-tuning their skills in order to prepare for performances in front of huge audiences. They learn how to jump, turn and kick, all with musicality and precision. But, these kids are also pursuing an academic career. They are constantly transitioning between movement and studies.
Cate Morris ’22, spends her days finding this balance between dance, school and time with family and friends. She dances at the School of American Ballet in New York City, while still attending public school.
Morris starts her day like any other Staples student. She wakes up, eats breakfast and hops in the car on the way to school. She takes four classes at Staples: chemistry, French, English and United States history. On weekdays, from 7:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., she goes to three out of the four classes, doing all of the same assignments as her classmates.