New York climate change walkout teaches kids how to stand up for what they believe
Izzy Sareen ’22, Staff Writer
• October 9, 2019

National School Walkout sparks student activism
May 7, 2018

Administrative actions deter student activism
April 27, 2018

Jonas and Roland sing for a cause at Staples walkout
April 26, 2018

Students participate in walkout, fight for gun reform
Eddie Kiev ’20, Web Managing Editor
• April 21, 2018

School walkout inspires political activism
March 15, 2018

Staples students honor the victims of Parkland and encourage political activism in the March for Our Lives Walkout
Eddie Kiev ’20, Web Managing Editor
• March 14, 2018

#Never Again: national school walkout, a photostory
March 14, 2018
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