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Inklings News

As the Nov. 1 early deadline for college applications approaches, seniors fit college visits into their schedule. Wake Forest University (pictured above) is one college Staples students are visiting.

Class of 2023 faces struggles applying to colleges

Audrey Kercher ’23, Breaking News Manager October 9, 2022

As the class of 2023 sets out on their college admissions process, they are haunted by the grievances of the past. The senior grade has been through many hardships in their high school experience including...

The Department of Education announced that Connecticut schools will not be required to offer distance learning to students for the 2021-2022 school year, creating speculation regarding Staples’ plans for the fall.

Westport Public Schools not required to provide online learning option for future academic years

Hannah Ratcliffe ’22, Web Arts Editor June 1, 2021

Superintendent Thomas Scarice announced that the Westport Public Schools, in accordance with the Department of Education, would not be offering remote learning for the next school year on May 21, eliminating...

The new Wednesday schedule is vastly different from the old one and presents many negative differences.

Wednesdays should be kept virtual

Phoebe Miller ’23, Associate Managing Editor May 10, 2021

With students in school at full capacity, less clamoring about zoom links and wifi problems eliminated, the COVID landscape of school is, thankfully, seeming to slowly fade away. But the new 100% capacity...

The girls’ indoor track 1600 meters participants line up at the starting line.

Girls indoor track team races ahead during first virtual meet

Lyah Muktavaram ’22, Web Features Editor March 1, 2021

The Staples girls’ indoor track team participated in their first virtual FCIAC meet competing against Darien, Wilton, Ridgefield, Greenwich, Brien McMahon and Fairfield Ludlowe on Saturday, Feb. 27....

During COVID-19 some Westport dance studios have implemented a hybrid schedule where dancers go into the studio or dance from home via Zoom. Because of the difference in surroundings, dancers have a different experience based on their location.

Dance studio’s hybrid model changes class experience

Audrey Kercher ’23, Breaking News Manager February 24, 2021

Tying hair up in a bun, lacing up pointe shoes and pulling on light pink tights. This is the typical routine for dancers preparing for class. However, logging onto Zoom is now a part of the preparation...

The Westport Public Library offers weekly virtual study sessions for teens, giving them an opportunity to safely study with friends.

Westport Public Library’s virtual study halls foster academic opportunities

Hannah Ratcliffe ’22, Web Arts Editor January 26, 2021

Students cramming in time to prepare for midterms; friends booking rooms for last-minute study sessions; packed tables with endless amounts of worksheets and material. This is what the Westport Public...

Despite the barriers put in place by COVID-19 the highly regarded Candlelight concert prevailed taking on the form of a virtually broadcasted performance accessible to thousands across the nation.

Virtual Candlelight captivates attention, proves successful

Marina Engler ’21, Staff writer January 5, 2021

Every year the holiday season is unofficially underway when bright lights illuminate the Staples high school stage and music fills the air, commencing the annual Candlelight concert. A performance so highly...

Stevie Michaels ’22 researches information regarding the online Jingle Ball, which several media outlets are currently covering. Micheals is looking at Entertainment Tonight online.

2020 iHeartRadios’ Jingle Ball adjusts to a COVID-19 world

Lily Caplan ’22, Staff Writer November 19, 2020

The Jingle Ball is an annual concert tour hosted by iHeart Radio. This year, the concert will be virtual. On Dec. 10 at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, there will be a livestream...

 Kaitlyn Constantino ’21 (far right) was one of six dancers chosen to dance along Tik Tok star Charli D’Amelio. Constantino’s trip to film the virtual dance class included a coronavirus test as well as daily temperature checks to ensure they could dance in the studio without masks.

Constantino reflects on dancing in ‘Charli Breaks the Floor’ and her own life as a dancer

Eliza Barr ’21, Staff Writer October 26, 2020

With her hair in a low ponytail and dressed in a white crop top and sneakers, Kaitlyn Constantino ’21 dances in front of a dance studio mirror, just as she does for hours every week. But a few details...

Staples parents Holly Rogers (right) and Zoran Hruskar (left) watch virtual back to school night presentations from the comfort of their home. As a precaution to stay safe from COVID-19, teachers pre-recorded or streamed their presentations live through zoom.

Virtual back to school night provides convenience, cannot recreate in-person experience

Maya Hruskar ’23, Creative Director October 13, 2020

Picture this: adults frantically running through school hallways, lost in the labyrinth-like maze of Staples. Their next  presentation is in one minute and they have yet to find the classroom- the stress...

Students compare this years online school to last years: which is more effective

Samantha Felner ’22 and Betti Kobak ’22 October 13, 2020

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