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Westport’s Greens Farms Elementary School was placed in a “shelter in place” following a sweating threat originating from the Veterans Suicide Hotline on Dec. 13.

Westport Responds to swatting incident at Greens Farms Elementary School

Lily Rimm ’25, Associate Managing Editor January 4, 2025

Westport’s Greens Farms Elementary School was placed in a “shelter in place” after a threatening text allegedly targeting the school was received on Dec. 13. This suspected case of “swatting,”...

Staples High School families received an email Dec 16. addressing potential violence and updates on the investigation into the reported threats.

Vague threats concerning Connecticut public schools prompts panic among school administrators, families

Ella Stoler ’22, Photostory Editor December 17, 2021

 Districts state-wide plan to monitor local schools on Dec. 17 due to recent threats of school violence circulating TikTok. While the social media threats were not deemed credible by law enforcement officials,...

Study reveals violent video games stimulate aggression in players

Study reveals violent video games stimulate aggression in players

October 5, 2018

By Amanda Kaplowitz ’19 The results of a study conducted by Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire between 2010 and 2017 were published on Oct. 1, 2018, and revealed evidence linking violent...

Faculty and students wear orange to protest gun violence

Faculty and students wear orange to protest gun violence

June 5, 2018

By Dana Perelberg '20 On Friday, June 1 Staples students and faculty, specifically teachers from the English department, wore orange, a color representing the fight to end gun violence. Both the news...

Why arming teachers would be like fighting fire with fire

Why arming teachers would be like fighting fire with fire

Maddie Phelps ’19, Web Managing Editor March 14, 2018

  It sounded just like fireworks, like the fourth of July. But then it grew louder and louder, the pop, pop, popping of a machine gun flying down the hallways, searching for a body, any body, to...

Protect kids, not guns

Protect kids, not guns

Sophie Driscoll ’19, Editor In Chief March 4, 2018

    First, it was never again Columbine. Then, it was never again Virginia Tech. Then, it was never again Sandy Hook. Now, it’s never again Parkland.   The murder of 17 students...

Five year anniversary of Sandy Hook reminds us of the difference we can make

Five year anniversary of Sandy Hook reminds us of the difference we can make

December 21, 2017

By Kaela Dockray '20 I live in a gun-free home. I mean really gun free. We’re talking no water guns, no nerf guns and most certainly nothing that has the capability of shooting out a real bullet....

Sexual harassment: Why we need to focus on mental health

Sexual harassment: Why we need to focus on mental health

November 5, 2017

By: Ian Bernstein ’18 More than half, or 54 percent, of U.S. women have experienced unwanted and unwelcome sexual attention from men, according to a national ABC News and Washington Post poll. Let...

Students participate in lockdown drill during period four on Thursday, March 24.

No worries after Staples lockdown drill

Brett Franklin, Assistant Business Manager March 31, 2016

On March 24, the interim principal, Dr. Mark Karagus, announced on the loudspeaker, “Secure the school, secure the school,” and initiated a lockdown drill for all students and staff. The lockdown occurred...

Violence erupts in Ferguson

Violence erupts in Ferguson

Jackie Cope, Features Editor March 13, 2015

On Thursday, March 12, two officers were shot outside by an unknown shooter the Ferguson Police Department. Both officers are currently in the hospital, and are in “serious” condition according...

College Greek systems ruin lives

College Greek systems ruin lives

Justine Seligson, Photo Coordinator March 2, 2015

She sits in the desolate, cobwebbed basement of the house. She suffers her way through putting together a 1,000-piece puzzle. Her only source of light is a tiny candle. It is around three in the morning,...

Don't Throw Israel Under the Bus

June 1, 2011
Daniel Cooper '13 reacts to President Obama's recent speech on Middle East policy.

Don’t Throw Israel Under the Bus

June 1, 2011
Daniel Cooper '13 reacts to President Obama's recent speech on Middle East policy.
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