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Inklings News

Thanksgiving marks the end of my already dismal productivity.

Teachers, I will be ‘sick’ on any test day before Winter Break

Henry Watson ’25, Opinions Web Editor January 14, 2025

To this day I can recall the great dreams I had coming into Staples. Man, I thought I’d take tough classes, study hard with a vigorous work ethic and get into an amazing college. Now, as a senior, the...

When the teacher shares the class average it makes students feel bad about themselves wishing that they could have done better even though they got a grade. Sharing the average just makes kids feel bad about themselves and doesn’t actually have any positive effects.

Don’t tell us! Why teachers shouldn’t share class averages

Catie Campagnino ’26, Paper Editor April 22, 2024

Imagine you’re sitting in math class and your teacher is handing out the hardest test of the year. You get an 85%. You think it is a great grade and you feel extremely proud of yourself. Then, one of...

Some students choose to take the ACT on top of the required SAT, as it is a differently structured test and can play to certain strengths the SAT does not.

Standardized testing culture jumpstarts an early start in preparations

Mia Kirkorsky ’24, Business Manager March 20, 2023

It is not uncommon at Staples to see students as young as sophomores getting tutoring for standardized testing. Test culture has changed significantly in the past 20 years. Particularly after the passing...

In 2022, 183 seniors received the Seal of Biliteracy. An additional 117 juniors were also qualified to earn the Seal. The Class of 2018 were the first Staples students to obtain the Seal of Biliteracy after Governor Dannel Malloy signed Public Act 17-29 on June 6, 2017, which established the Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy.  Graphic by Lily Hultgren '25.

Seal of Biliteracy assessment approaches, teachers, students reflect

Lily Hultgren ’25, Editor-in-Chief February 16, 2023

This March, Staples juniors and seniors who are currently enrolled in a world language class will be taking the Seal of Biliteracy language proficiency assessment, the STAMP (Standards-based Measurement...

AP exams persist through pandemic, not in students’ best interest

Marina Engler ’21, Staff writer May 15, 2020

Entering my junior year, I already had the month of May marked on my calendar. Starting in September, I began to learn content that would eventually be crammed into an hour long AP test. However, as...

Stop shoving tests down our throats

Stop shoving tests down our throats

September 18, 2018

By Maya Brodows ’20   It’s early Saturday morning. Many people of the town remain blissfully asleep, whilst others enjoy the start to a great weekend. Some are playing with their young...

Hand completing a multiple choice exam.

Implementing final projects instead of exams will decrease stress levels

June 12, 2018

By Chelsea Fox '19 The end of the year is always a stressful time for students and teachers. With summer only a couple weeks away, I feel like I am always being ambushed with work in the days leading...

Sophomores prepare for CAPT

Sophomores prepare for CAPT

Grace McCarthy, Staff Writer March 3, 2014

This year’s sophomore class is expected to take a double hit of standardized testing. Teachers are intensely preparing students; as this is the last grade to take CAPT tests, they aim to finish with...

New test sparks mixed reactions

Ben Goldschlager, Web News Editor February 28, 2014

Next year, students in grades three through eight and 11 will take Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC), set to replace the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) in mathematics and English literacy....

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