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Inklings News

The struggle of being a second semester junior surrounded by seniors

The struggle of being a second semester junior surrounded by seniors

Kit Epstein, Web Opinions Editor April 1, 2016

I was warned about the rigor of junior year. I heard horror stories about the SAT, was given tips on how to get a five on AP tests and was even told that I should spend every weekend visiting colleges. ...

Getting through the first quarter of AP classes

Getting through the first quarter of AP classes

Becca Rawiszer, Web Opinions Editor October 29, 2015

The first quarter of junior year is a long and windy road. There is the struggle of balancing standardized test preparation with the heavier school workload, the stress of thinking about college and, of...

Addicted to AA

Addicted to AA

Alexa Davis, Staff Writer March 2, 2015

The common noises that I hear as I roam around the crowded cafeteria early in the morning have changed from the silent yawns of tired seniors to the constant yelling of swear words and angry mannerisms. What...

Tough Economy Brings Budget Struggle

January 25, 2011
Jobs, programs, and classes may be at stake due to current budget cuts.
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