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Inklings News

Staples Chartwell staff remains just as busy even without properly working toasters. Students go to order their unique sandwiches that come with a special Chartwell touch. Students line up every lunch wave to see and check in on their favorite staff members.

Cafeteria faces student outcry over absence of hot sandwiches

Ava Chun ’25, Broadcast Director October 26, 2023

It was revealed that in the Staples cafeteria on Oct. 18, Chartwells is looking into solely having panini presses instead of the toasters due to the technical complications with the toaster ovens, which...

Staples newest lunch addition, the Wreckers Deli, is located outside of the normal area for purchasing food.

Wreckers deli reopens after years of being closed

Rylie Cordella ’25, Staff Writer February 6, 2023

The Wrecker’s Deli was reintroduced to Staples for the first time on Tuesday, Jan. 24. The Wreckers Deli initially opened in 2019, but closed after Covid-19 hit due to the shortage of staff and less...

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