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Tyla Ozgen ’25, number 28, won the Ruden Report player of the week after playing just two games for the Staples field hockey team.

Tyla Ozgen proves crucial to field hockey team

Genevieve Frucht ’24, Editor in Chief October 4, 2021

Scoring five goals in her first two games on the Staples field hockey team, Tyla Ozgen ’25 has proven that she is a crucial element to the team’s success.  Ozgen entered the world of field hockey...

Jen Westphal ’22 makes a play at home plate. She is one of three freshman on the Staples varsity softball team.

Jen Westphal adds to the achievements of the girls’ softball team

Rebecca Kanfer ’21, Paper Sports Editor May 13, 2019

She places her helmet on her head, laces up her cleats and tightens her ponytail. Emerging from the dugout, she approaches home plate and prepares to swing. Her teammates eagerly peer through the dugout...

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