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Inklings News

Despite the high levels of economic discrepancy between neighboring towns, no action has been taken to bridge the gap in access to sports resources.

Report highlights impact of wealth inequality on state championships in Connecticut

Talia Moskowitz ’24, Web Sports Editor October 19, 2022

In every inspirational sports movie, the coach sits the losing team down at half time in the locker room and delivers one message: with enough hard work and perseverance, the underdogs can still win the...

This year brought an unprecedented obstacle for the guidance department as they had to help navigate seniors through the college process while hybrid learning occurred and the ability to help students in person was no longer allowed.

Guidance department steps up, plays key role in helping seniors navigate college process

Marina Engler ’21, Staff writer February 12, 2021

As I settle into my role as a second semester senior, I can safely attest that the road to getting to this point in the year was far from smooth. Unlike everyone else who has had to adapt to the new reality...

The Westport Public Library decided to close its doors indefinitely on March 12 to achieve social distancing.

Public libraries should close due to coronavirus despite inconvenience caused

Chloe Murray ’22, Public Relations Director March 23, 2020

Amidst the chaos of the coronavirus, Westport has closed all public facilities. Beaches, parks, stores, restaurants and libraries are all among the places that have been shut down. Obviously the closure...

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