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Inklings News

TikTok has access to virtually all of the data on your phone by using devices such as keyloggers.

I actually read Tiktok’s terms and conditions: here’s what you need to know

Angelina Matra ’25, Managing Editor May 31, 2024

The first time I downloaded TikTok was the summer of 2019. I remember the moment vividly: a colorful array of velvet scrunchies covering my wrists, a venti strawberry açaí in one hand and an oversized...

Staples students and teachers took a poll regarding the restricted websites and how much they used them before they were restricted.

Google places restrictions on websites not complying with CT law; teachers scramble for new ways to present content

Paige Miller ’24 and Madison Mayr ’24 October 17, 2023

Google will on Oct. 23 impose restrictions on US News & World Report, The Washington Post, Grammarly, LitCharts, Google forms, Spotify and other websites that refuse to comply with Connecticut’s...

(The document at the bottom of the email is a submission to Soundings literary journal, which I am a part of.)
Gaggle harasses Staples students with minor infractions, creating exactly what they set out to put an end to: an unsafe, stressed environment, negatively impacting student mental health.

Gaggle monitors student online behavior, threatens student privacy

Lucy Dockter ’23, Paper Arts Editor March 10, 2021

DISCLAIMER: Article contains explicit language. “FIRST WARNING: INAPPROPRIATE USE.” Walking into class before my first high school midterm, my heart raced. I had no idea what that email was about....

Early decision spread sheet serves as invasion of privacy

Logan Gornbein ’21 and Charlotte Smith ’21 December 23, 2020

The drones would detect high heart and respiratory rates and high temperatures in addition to voice commands to remind the public of social distancing.

Police drone program ditched due to privacy concerns

Giselle Oldani ’22, Web News Editor May 18, 2020

Westport’s Flatten the Curve Pilot drone program recently shut down due to privacy concerns and backlash from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) of Connecticut.  Through drone company, Draganfly,...

Luca Lombardo ’22, as well as many other Staples students, are avid users of TikTok and use the app for up to hours at a time. The app has become well-known as a huge source of procrastination for students.

TikTok faces privacy troubles leading to investigation

Betti Kobak ’22, Managing Editor November 21, 2019

The trending social media app TikTok, owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, will be under investigation on an undecided date by the U.S government due to allegations of spying on U.S. citizens. The Committee...

It’s time to delete Facebook

It’s time to delete Facebook

Serena Ye ’20, Web A&E Editor April 10, 2018

In eighth grade, I remember hearing all of my teachers say that I probably should get a Facebook for high school. You know, for all of the clubs and events, and just to stay in the loop. But what no one...

Students face Facebook in data breach

Students face Facebook in data breach

April 8, 2018

In the recent weeks, Facebook Inc. lost nearly $60 billion in market capitalization, according to Yahoo Finance, due to the breach of about 50 million users. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg is being summoned...

Being cautious is not paranoid

Being cautious is not paranoid

May 9, 2017

Arin Garland ’18 If you take the time to look closely at people’s laptops around school, you’ll begin to notice a trend; ripped up sticky notes and pieces of tape covering the camera lenses on...

Apple battles Feds over San Bernardino investigation demands

Apple battles Feds over San Bernardino investigation demands

Justin Schwebel, Staff Writer February 29, 2016

Apple, the California-based tech giant, is in a standoff with the FBI over the agency’s demand for Apple to unlock San Bernadino shooter, Syed Rizwan’s, iPhone.   The FBI believes the shooter’s...

USA Freedom Act re-defines privacy argument

USA Freedom Act re-defines privacy argument

Kit Epstein, Web Opinions Editor June 8, 2015

On Tuesday, June 2, the United States Senate passed the USA Freedom Act with a majority of 67 to 32, after Section 215 and Section 206 of the USA Patriot Act expired on May 31st. According to Mark Jaycox...

College posts catapult senior stress levels

College posts catapult senior stress levels

Rachel Treisman, Web Features Editor November 20, 2014

Disclaimer: I am a high school senior who would very much like to go to college and is happy for her peers who have already been accepted. So this is a totally judgment-free zone. That being said, Facebook...

Smart phone apps’ security questioned

Talia Hendel, Web Managing Editor September 21, 2014

The messaging feature will no longer be an option on the Facebook app, but will instead only be available as a separate app called Facebook Messenger. While this stand-alone app has existed in the past,...

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