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Inklings News

COVID-19 fatigue is a real issue that is negatively impacting adults, teenagers and children. It is important to find ways to counteract this fatigue and avoid acting based on the desire to return to normalcy.

COVID-19 fatigue threatens national progress

Gabriella Gerig ’23, Staff Writer March 24, 2021

Social distancing, masks, online school, lockdowns, quarantining and the inability to see loved ones is nothing less than draining. It is understandable that people are becoming exhausted with their current...

Grace Fuori ’23 is shown properly wearing her double masks, and says she is ready to wear them in public if need be.

The second Covid-19 strand ushers tentativeness about double masks

Sydney Chinitz ’23, Staff Writer March 1, 2021

The new, more infectious strand of the Covid-19 virus reached the United States from the United Kingdom on Jan. 2 according to Advisory Board. This strand, also known as B.1.1.7,  is up to 70% more transmissible...

One-way hallways prove impractical

Abbie Goldstein ’22 and Emily Goldstein ’23, Paper Features Editor, Staff Writer October 2, 2020

The bell rings. I frantically race to my class, maneuvering through hallways and down stairwells. I slide into my seat, interrupting the teacher as they begin class. All because of the one-way hallways. According...

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