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Inklings News

The concept of the word popularity has completely changed for the worse, causing pessimistic feelings to develop among high school students.

Media negatively affects popularity meaning

Brooke Dembin ’22, Assistant Creative Director March 14, 2020

Self-centered, egotistical, judgemental drama queens are often associated with the word “popular.” Let’s be real; does the genius who wears braces and glasses come across as popular to you? I didn’t...

College popularity trends rise at Staples

College popularity trends rise at Staples

Andrew Vester, Staff Writer June 19, 2015

During their time at Staples, many students have gone on college tours to find the “perfect” fit for them.  With over 7,000 options to choose from, it would seem college-goers are unlikely to attend...

Staples students rave over Organic Market

Staples students rave over Organic Market

Gabrielle Feinsmith, Sports Editor March 31, 2015

It’s no secret that students value a healthy diet. A balanced meal and refraining from processed foods are essential to be in tip-top shape. On 285 Post Road E, there appears to be a hot commodity that...

Fall in love with romantic movies

Fall in love with romantic movies

Julia Greenspan, Public Relations February 24, 2015

Whether you’re single or taken this Valentine’s Day, get in the day-of-love spirit by indulging in romantic films. Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to cuddle up with your box of chocolates or...

Come cold weather, Girl Scout cookie cravings kick in

Come cold weather, Girl Scout cookie cravings kick in

Caroline Lane, Opinions Editor November 10, 2014

When the leaves fall from the trees and snow falls from the sky, it marks the beginning of Girl Scout cookie season. Though every person has a personal preference of Girl Scout cookies, a few stand...

Seniors turn the radio dial through time

Seniors turn the radio dial through time

Michael Mathis, Web Opinions Editor June 20, 2014

When a majority of the class of 2014 emerged from the womb in 1996, the Macarena was dominating the airwaves as the Billboard Charts #1 performing single. The song inspired a new wave of bar-mitzvah dances...

Games that flew through Staples

Will Dumke, Staff Writer June 20, 2014

As seniors graduate high school in the most technological era to date, many look back on what techy trends have come and gone over their four years: specifically, which chart-topping Apps have entertained,...

Viewed Worldwide: Staples Students are Popular on Youtube

November 19, 2010

Staples students who regularly go onto YouTube probably know of channels similar to those of TayZonday (famous for the “Chocolate Rain” videos) and Fred (famous for the “Fred” videos). Both have...

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