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Inklings News

Movies from childhood can serve as a comforting reminder of when times were easier and must be cherished to keep those memories alive.

Rewatching childhood movies encourages positive nostalgia, stress relief 

Jolie Gefen ’24, Web Managing Editor April 27, 2022

With new and different movies coming out every year, we often forget to appreciate the oldies that we once loved. Every once in a while, I remember my personal favorites such as “Shrek,” “Finding...

Students debate if they should be notified about snow days. Many believe that an email sent to students would be the most efficient and simplest way.

Numerous snow days prompt debate over school cancellation notifications

Talia Varsano ’24, Paper Managing Editor February 16, 2022

There is nothing better than waking up and opening your curtains to reveal an all white landscape–freshly fallen snow coating the grass and trees. Your mind races with excitement and leaves you with...

The three shows bring back childhood memories to Staples students.

Staples Remembers its favorite childhood shows

Jack Zeldes, Staff Writer January 14, 2016

As midterms approache, the winter break Netflix binge watching commences and the inevitable nostalgia that the holidays bring sets in, it’s time to look back at some of the shows that millennials miss...

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One Direction’s new album has me singing until the A.M.

Becky Hoving, News Editor November 30, 2015

Never again will I cringe as One Direction comes on the radio or try to hide the flush in my cheeks when “End of the Day” or “Perfect” shuffles itself to the top of my playlist. Released on...

Students visit the ghosts of television’s past

Students visit the ghosts of television’s past

Max Biblicoff, Staff Writer January 10, 2015

‘Watching classic or throwback TV shows is an intriguing alternative for many students who aren’t satisfied with today’s biggest titles. Those who look to Netflix as their source of TV can often...

Teachers reflect on completing their first year at Staples

Teachers reflect on completing their first year at Staples

Jackie Cope, Features Editor June 11, 2014

Wide-eyed and hesitant freshmen, backs hunched under the weight of far too many three-ring-binders, aren’t the only newcomers. New teachers definitely share the transition many 14 year olds have at Staples—...

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