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Inklings News

Income inequality is at record levels in Westport.

Westport’s Housing Market Reflects Growing Income Inequality

Kelpin Gomez ’25, Staff Writer October 22, 2024

Inequality continues to embed itself deeper into Westport's roots as opportunity and equality continue to be drained from the town principals.  On August 19-23, nine properties sold for a total of...

If approved, this year's Education budget will increase by about 8%.

Board of Finance approves Board of Education budget for next year

Sophie Smith ’26, Paper Editor March 29, 2024

The Board of Finance passed the Board of Education’s spending plan for the 2024-2025 school year on March 19. The budget will now go to the Representative Town Meeting to be officially approved.  The...

The Connecticut lotteries sit at $59 million and $207 million, as of Nov. 13.

A penny for your thoughts: what would you do with 2 billion dollars?

Talia Moskowitz ’24, Web Sports Editor November 15, 2022

There are some things that most of us will never see in our lifetimes: like the view from top of Mount Everest, for example, or flying cars. Even less likely, though, is a check with nine zeros on it and...

After getting ready, most students will take pictures before going to the prom.

Senior prom sets unnecessarily expensive standard of beauty

Lia Gordon ’22, Paper Opinions Editor May 4, 2022

Staples senior girls’ minds have been fixated on prom since the first dress announcement was posted on Facebook on Feb 1. Since then, the frenzy of searching and buying dresses dropped on department...

The stock market plummets and rises during the midst of the coronavirus pandemic

What to do when corona affects your money

Caroline Donohue ’20, Business Manager March 19, 2020

Starting a few weeks ago, the stock market began rapidly plummeting in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Headlines across the world read how the stock market has not been this volatile since the downfall...

BOE considers cutting 2 Staples staff positions

BOE considers cutting 2 Staples staff positions

Katie Simons ’22 and Prasaus Yeager ’22, Arts Editor and Staff Writer February 7, 2020

The Board of Education (BOE) announced on Jan. 27 that they were considering cutting two teacher positions, one position each  English and science departments at Staples High School. Costs accrued...

HQ trivia is the game show of the future

HQ trivia is the game show of the future

January 16, 2018

By Isabella Bullock '19 Five, four, three, two, one and the game begins. Hundreds of thousands of players log on to compete for the prize. There’s a constant rush of rapid, flashing moving images...

Sports expenses rising

Sports expenses rising

January 15, 2018

By Celia Block '20

The Art of Digital Market Manipulation

The Art of Digital Market Manipulation

December 11, 2017

By Arin Garland '18 The age of the internet has changed the way that people shop for both better and for worse. While it allows you to buy goods in the comfort of your home and have them delivered to...

Why you should not buy bitcoins

Why you should not buy bitcoins

December 5, 2017

By Anna Rhoads '19 The idea of bitcoins is very intriguing-- It’s completely paperless and run by a company with no real governing system, meaning users have a lot more freedom than they would with...

Prom can be a success without spending a lot of money

Prom can be a success without spending a lot of money

June 10, 2017

By Alexa Moro '18 A perfect prom doesn't have to be expensive; in 2015, the average household spent $919 on prom according to US News. This figure includes the cost of the dress, shoes, makeup, hair,...

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