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Despite rising COVID cases, cases are less severe as more people are vaccinated and less deaths are occurring due to COVID. This means that people will remain safe without bringing back COVID restrictions.

Rising COVID cases should not alter normality

Audrey Kercher ’23, Breaking News Manager May 3, 2022

Spring of 2022 is looking far different from spring of 2021. As opposed to the masks, clear plastic lunch dividers and strict COVID restrictions of the past year, this year boasts uncovered faces, packed...

With things starting to go well again in the community, why are we rushing to be mask free so soon?

Mask mandate lifted, Staples shouldn’t rush to be maskless

Jalen St. Fort ’22, Staff Writer March 9, 2022

Governor Ned Lamont announced on Feb. 7 that the statewide mask mandate in schools and child care centers would be lifted on March 28. School districts and each individual school then were able to determine...

Mask Choice Westport’s signs protest in intersections across Westport, similar to Unmask Our Kids CT, despite being unaffiliated with the group.

Unmask Our Kids CT conquers state

Samantha Sandrew ’25, Web Managing Editor March 2, 2022

Governor Ned Lamont announced the end of the school mask mandate on Feb. 2. Organizations like Umask Our Kids CT have been protesting this requirement for about a year.  This group advocates for the...

Masks: a staple of the last 20 months, but now, they’ll likely be a thing of the past in schools come Feb. 28, due to Governor Ned Lamont lifting the state wide mask mandate in schools.

Governor announces school mask mandate to end Feb. 28

Finnegan Courtney ’23, Executive TV Producer February 11, 2022

After nearly a year and a half of masks being worn within schools, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont announced that masks will no longer be state required within schools starting March 1. Instead, individual...

The mask mandate in Westport was reinstated as of Dec. 27, meaning all indoor public settings will require masks.

Mask mandate reinstated for public areas in Westport

Aidan Sprouls ’23, Web Opinions Editor December 24, 2021

First Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker announced that the mask mandate in Westport Connecticut, is being reinstated on Thursday Dec. 23, as coronavirus cases continue to rise in the town. Currently, according...

Staples’ mask mandate, which has been in place since 2020, is set to expire in mid-February, but may be extended after that time.

Students express views on continuous in-school mask mandate

Lea Rivel ’22, Social Media Director November 22, 2021

Staples High School has required students and staff to wear masks in the building ever since the return to school in fall of 2020. This mandate is currently in place for schools in Connecticut but not...

The Coxsockie skin rash can develop on hands, feet and mouth, known to be an itchy discomfort and takes approximately seven to 10 days to go away.

Coxsackie viral infection spreads throughout Staples

Talia Varsano ’24, Staff Writer November 18, 2021

The infectious Coxsackie virus, otherwise known as hand, foot and mouth disease, has been spreading throughout the Staples community in recent weeks.  Liam Donaldson ’24, a safety and running back...

While Westport is classified as a town in the orange zone, COVID-19 cases in Westport Public Schools remain low.

Westport classified as an orange zone for COVID-19 cases

Meg Enquist ’23, Assistant Business Manager October 24, 2021

Westport was newly classified as an orange zone on Oct. 14, as there were 14 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents, a decline from Westport being in the red zone on Oct. 8 with 17 COVID-19 cases per 100,000...

Sophie Spheeris ’23 and Finley Cohen ’23 take a mask break during their math period, second to last period on Friday.

Vaccinated students become more relaxed with mask wearing

Karlie Saed ’23, Photostory Editor October 21, 2021

“Pull up your mask” is a term students hear on a daily basis throughout their school day. The majority of the Staples student and teacher population of the school is vaccinated, so some students feel...

Due to a policy change from the CT Department of Public Health, starting on Oct. 20, vaccinated high school and middle school teachers will have the option to remove their masks during class.

Mask restrictions lifted for vaccinated teachers

Jason Stein ’22, Staff Writer October 20, 2021

Staples High School teachers are no longer required to wear masks in the classroom, starting on Oct. 20. The CT Department of Public Health is permitting this option for all vaccinated teachers of grades...

Connecticut governor Ned Lamont lifted the mask mandate for vaccinated individuals on May 19, posting the above information on his twitter account, @GovNedLamont. Local businesses have differed in their approaches to lifting the mask mandate, and Staples will not be lifting the mandate for this year.

Westport’s differing mask protocols create issues with consistency, facilitate stigma and confusion

Lilly Weisz ’23 and Maya Hruskar ’23 June 7, 2021

A customer impatiently taps their foot against the floor as they wait in line, longing to get outside and breathe fresh air. “Why do we still have to wear these things?” they ask the person behind...

An overview of the major changes expressed in Superintendent Thomas Scarice’s update, including an update on mask policy.

Westport schools update COVID guidance, masks at recess not required

Finnegan Courtney ’23, Executive TV Producer June 4, 2021

As part of the announcement that Westport schools will not be offering district learning next year, Superintendent Thomas Scarice also announced that masks will no longer be required outside at recess...

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