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Inklings News

The Westport Levitt Pavilion plans to reopen for the summer to allow outdoor events to occur.

Levitt Pavilion reopens after year-long break, first performance in June

Lucy Arrow ’21, Web Sports Editor May 18, 2021

As the season for outdoor events closes in, people begin searching for any reason to sit out on the grass with their friends, eat great food and listen to new music, and as it opens up again, the...

Matt James starts his journey with 32 women as the 25th Bachelor. Week 1 started off strong, bringing a lot of hope for this season.

‘The Bachelor’ returns for 25th season, proves to be compelling so far

Lucy Arrow ’21, Web Sports Editor January 11, 2021

The winter season is one that is highly anticipated globally every year. Quality time is spent with friends and family, there is always an abundance of spirit and the food that comes with it is undeniably...

When teachers vocally and physically show support for their political and social beliefs, it can distract from learning of students. Therefore, these behaviors should not be permitted in a school environment.

Physical, vocal displaying of teachers’, administrators’ opinions prove impermissible, distract from learning

Lucy Arrow ’21, Web Sports Editor October 10, 2020

In an era with political and social movements taking place one after another, opinions flourish in a school like Staples. Activists are everywhere in Westport, most of which can be found in our school.  With...

Threatening political messages posted in downtown Westport cause fear among residents

Lucy Arrow ’21, Web Sports Editor October 1, 2020

Violent and threatening posters spreading political messages were placed in downtown Westport by an unknown person or group of people this weekend. Posted outside of Pink Sumo, and taped to  parking...

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