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Inklings News

Rihanna’s halftime show performance proves unsatisfactory

Rihanna’s halftime show performance proves unsatisfactory

Karlie Saed ’23, Photostory Editor February 15, 2023

As someone who lives with a teenage brother, there is no shortage of football games being played on our T.V. In fact, my Sunday afternoons are spent on the couch next to my brother and dad with our eyes...

Staples students travel far and wide to sandy or snowy destinations for February Break. The break begins on Feb. 18 and ends Feb. 26.

Snowy, sandy destinations attract students for February break

Karlie Saed ’23, Photostory Editor February 8, 2023

After endless days of freezing temperatures, Staples students are eager to hop on a plane and travel to their sandy beach or snowy mountain destinations. An escape from the piles of homework and sleepless...

Election Day took place on Nov. 8 this year. Long Lots Elementary school  was one of the five polling locations available for Westporters to cast their ballot. Photo contributed by Ashley Julien ’23.

First time voters change America at polls

Karlie Saed ’23, Photostory Editor November 14, 2022

Election Day is normally a day in which students get a day off from school and use this time to sleep in, catch up on homework or hangout with friends. But, for those seniors who just recently turned 18,...

Costumes on the internet display tight, short and revealing costumes, which can have a negative impact on the way teenage girls and women view themselves.

Halloween impacts girls’ body image

Karlie Saed ’23, Photostory Editor October 30, 2022

Horror movies, creating jack-o-lanterns, eating candy and going trick-or-treating are just a few aspects associated with Halloween. But as you get older this all becomes childish, right?  Although...

On Thursday, Oct. 13, seniors dressed up in red for color war, which was the theme of the day. Each grade was assigned a different color to wear.

Senior girls dominate spirit week

Karlie Saed ’23, Photostory Editor October 19, 2022

Seniors had to complete a lengthy checklist prior to a meeting with their guidance counselor in order to request their transcript.

Submission of first semester grades stresses senior class

Karlie Saed ’23, Photostory Editor October 7, 2022

The Nov. 1 deadline for many colleges and universities is right around the corner, and the stress of submitting first quarter grades or a mid-year report is beginning to increase, taking a toll on students....

Seniors reflect on Homecoming, dance-related stress

Juniors took the Next Generation Science Standard test on May 25 and 26. This test is a graduation requirement and focuses primarily on different types of science taught throughout middle and high school.

Juniors take required NGSS test for graduation

Karlie Saed ’23, Photostory Editor June 1, 2022

Juniors took the Next Generation Science Standard [NGSS] test on May 25 and 26.  This test is one of the required tests students have to take in order to graduate Staples. Juniors were broken up into...

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