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Inklings News

QPR Training takes place in junior health classes this week

Juniors partake in QPR Training during health classes

Lila Boroujerdi ’26, Web Features Editor October 7, 2024

Juniors have been participating in Question, Persuade and Respond (QPR) Training led by Margaret Watt, a Prevention Director at Positive Directions, in their health classes since Monday, Sept. 30. Located...

Despite the fact that many juniors complain about their walk to the unofficial junior parking lot, Wakeman Field, the past year of parking there has taught me numerous invaluable life lessons and granted me many social and health benefits.

It’s really not that bad: an ode to my walk to Wakeman

Rachel Olefson ’25, Web Managing Editor May 10, 2024

I make an effort to breathe and reconnect with nature after my panic attack the day before over my AP final exams. As the flowers bloom and the sun shines brightly, I take a moment to appreciate the scenery...

Students juggle standardized test prep, sports, school work and their social life during their junior year, a year associated with negative stigma for many.

An ode to junior year

Ruby Kantor ‘24, Paper Managing Editor May 30, 2023

My family friend told me that I wouldn’t make it out alive. My older cousin warned me of constant battle cries. My neighbor advised me to take cover and hide at any given moment. My dog walker told me...

As junior year comes to a close, students have far more time to relax and unwind. However, the bulk of the college application stands ahead of them.

Juniors post AP’s take their foot off the gas, simultaneously face looming responsibilities

Talia Moskowitz ’24, Web Managing Editor May 12, 2023

If there is one redeeming quality about embarking on the grueling battle that is an AP class at Staples High School, it is that once the AP test is over in early May, the class essentially goes into cruise...

Distance learning: the savior of the junior class

Molly Gold ’21, Staff Writer May 11, 2020

Balancing SAT preparation, beginning the college process, rigorous coursework, extracurriculars, sports and the already insurmountable pressure that students face all add up to create the monster that...

Juniors left clueless about standardized testing

Juniors left clueless about standardized testing

November 11, 2016

Junior year equals the year of standardized testing and preparing for college. Basically, it equals a year of stress on top of stress on top of stress. And unless you have older siblings or particularly...

Junior year told through GIFS

Blake Rubin, Web A&E Editor April 2, 2015

  The First Day of Junior Year: It’s a bittersweet goodbye to sandy beaches and hot sun as I trade in my towels for textbooks. It’s junior year, and I have my game face on, ready to tackle...

To all incoming Juniors

To all incoming Juniors

Andrea Frost, Breaking News Managing Editor June 14, 2014

Dear incoming juniors/current sophomores, Some may say that junior year is synonymous for misery and stress. I’m sure that you have all heard the rumors about junior year, also known as the hardest...

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