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Inklings News

Aidan Lapatine ’26 (left) and Logan Noorily ’25 (right) co-lead Staples’ Students Demand Action chapter, aiming to educate the greater Westport community about gun violence.

Students Demand Action: school club combats gun violence through educational efforts

Lila Boroujerdi ’26, Web Features Editor January 29, 2025

One dead in Louisiana. Two in Illinois. It’s been less than a month into 2025 and the words “mass shooting” have once again begun to dominate national headlines. Rather than celebrating the new year,...

Governor Ned Lamont recently announced a legislative proposal on gun violence to help reduce the issue in Connecticut.

Governor Lamont announces legislative gun violence proposals

Genevieve Frucht ’24, Editor in Chief February 14, 2022

Connecticut Governor Ned Lemont announced on Feb. 7 a package of $64 million that will help minimize illegal guns entering the state, grant millions of dollars to strengthen the work of law enforcement...

A woman kneels with flowers to pay tribute to the 10 victims of the Boulder, Colorado shooting on March 22.

Silence towards this year’s shootings due to oversaturation of violence, shallow trendy activism

Giselle Oldani ’22, Web Arts Editor April 5, 2021

When Colorado citizens went to King Soopers for their Monday afternoon grocery haul, they were completely unaware of what was about to take place. They did not know a man would enter the store, strapped...

Staples students opinions on Wear Orange Weekend

Staples students opinions on Wear Orange Weekend

Mark Didio ’20 and Alex Massoud ’20, Staff Writer and Web Sports Editor June 7, 2019

Staples students opinions on Wear Orange Weekend by Mark DidioStream Staples students opinions on Wear Orange Weekend by Mark Didio from desktop or your mobile device

Kids play as school shooter in new “Active Shooter” video game

Kids play as school shooter in new “Active Shooter” video game

June 7, 2018

By Caroline Donohue '20   A video game called “Active Shooter” was scheduled for release on June 6, but it was recalled after thousands of families spoke out in protest on May 29.   The...

‘AP Assassin’ participants donate to Sandy Hook Promise

‘AP Assassin’ participants donate to Sandy Hook Promise

May 23, 2018

Audrey Bernstein '20 As the school year comes to a close, many seniors will choose to arm themselves with Nerf Guns, a sign that they are gripped by “AP Assassin,” a Staples High School tradition....

Parkland shooting animation video reveals sequence of tragic events

Parkland shooting animation video reveals sequence of tragic events

May 11, 2018

By Maya Brodows '20 On April 24, Broward Sheriff’s Office released an animated video depicting the violent events of Feb. 14 in Parkland, Florida. The animation provides the first official account...

Animation of Parkland shooting serves as reminder of loss

Animation of Parkland shooting serves as reminder of loss

May 4, 2018

By Audrey Bernstein '20   Since the shooting in Parkland, Florida on Feb. 14th, I have suffered through every emotion. I have seen horrifying videos taken during the shooting, read the words...

Students attend legislative hearing on gun laws

Students attend legislative hearing on gun laws

April 24, 2018

By Julia Lombardo '20 and Ava Simunovic '18

Bedford Middle School students take a stand on gun violence

Bedford Middle School students take a stand on gun violence

April 2, 2018

By Lauren Wasserman '20 and Dana Perelberg '20 On March 14 a walkout took place in schools all over the United States, including in Bedford Middle School. At approximately 9:45 a.m. hundreds of students...

Student body exaggerates administrative involvement in walkout

Student body exaggerates administrative involvement in walkout

March 28, 2018

By Melanie Lust ’19   If you ask any administrator in our school what their role was in the Staples Walkout, they will immediately respond with "no role at all" except for security. Such...

Parkland victims relentlessly pursue change

Parkland victims relentlessly pursue change

March 26, 2018

By Ben Pearl '18   On Wed. February, 14, an armed gunman entered the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. After learning of the threat, Lori Alhadeff, mother of 14-year-old Alyssa,...

Great Mills shooting drives more student voice

Great Mills shooting drives more student voice

March 21, 2018

By Elle Fair '19 At Great Mills High School in Maryland, a student opened fire on classmates on March 20, hitting a 16-year-old female and a 14-year-old male. Immediately after the shots were fired,...

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