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Inklings News

Connecticut is widely considered a “blue” state, but has used its 7 electoral votes for a fair number of Republicans in the past century.

Presidential primaries provide first voting opportunity for some students

Alex Gaines ’25, Creative Director March 18, 2024

The Presidential Primary in Connecticut will be held on April 2, allowing any Westport resident to vote for their preferred Democratic and Republican candidate for the presidential election this November. While...

Andrew Yang addresses a crowd of supporters at a gun violence event in Des Moines, Iowa. He supports creating an effective nationwide gun licensing program, banning assault weapons and supporting the mentally ill to prevent gun violence.

Yang distinguishes himself through plan for American democracy

Andreas Lolis ’21, Paper Sports Editor January 15, 2020

I’m sick of Donald Trump’s presidency. I’m sick of the Tweets, I’m sick of the poor policy and I’m sick of utter chaos from our federal government. But I’m also sick of talking about Trump....

Trump delivers State of the Union address

Trump delivers State of the Union address

Layla Wofsy ’19, Paper Managing Editor February 7, 2019

    President Donald Trump delivered his annual State of the Union address on Feb. 5. He presented his ideas about about national security, women’s reproductive rights, foreign relations...

Will Haskell accepts Democratic nomination for State Senate

Will Haskell accepts Democratic nomination for State Senate

May 31, 2018

By Kaela Dockray '18 and Layla Wofsy '18

Westport Democrat march brings local awareness to political involvement

Westport Democrat march brings local awareness to political involvement

March 31, 2017

By: Colette Lippman '17 Darcy Hicks and her organization DefenDemocracy, hosted the “CT on the Move, March to Defend the Democracy” event last Sunday, March 26, which began on Jesup Green and ended...

Connecticut works to strengthen cyber security

Connecticut works to strengthen cyber security

November 1, 2016

Anay Simunovic '18 As a result of an increased amount of computer hacking in the public and private sectors of the government,  Governor Daniel P. Malloy appointed Arthur H. House as the state’s...

[Sept. 2016 News] Conservative underrepresentation persists as 2016 political dialogue intensifies

October 11, 2016

By Fritz Schemel '17 Editor-in-Chief and Zach Horowitz '19 As the 2016 election barrels towards the finish line, political dialogue surrounding it has grown increasingly tense. Out of 200 Staples students...

“Bernie or bust” supporters damage the Democratic party

“Bernie or bust” supporters damage the Democratic party

Lulu Stracher, Staff Writer June 10, 2016

Among the many factions that have emerged as a result of the 2016 political climate, there is one group that prevails over all as being the most irritating. It is the small coalition of Bernie Sanders’...

Students pay a price for sharing political views on Facebook

Students pay a price for sharing political views on Facebook

Sasha Narang, Staff Writer March 4, 2016

It’s no secret that this year's political race is tense, unpredictable and most of all, heated. While there are plenty of predictions for what is in stake, many Staples students have taken advantage...

Under creative common license.

Students share reactions to refugee bill’s passing

Amelia Brown, Sports Editor November 24, 2015

  In light of the recent terrorist attacks on Paris and Lebanon, The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday Nov. 20 that would tighten the veting process on any Syrian or Iraqi refugees...

Who prevailed at the Democrat debate? Here’s a true blue’s rankings…

Who prevailed at the Democrat debate? Here’s a true blue’s rankings…

Zach McCarthy, Web News October 16, 2015

  As this paper’s blue-blooded resident liberal (Er, uh-most of the time at least), I thought it’d be important to bracket up the best of the best of the Nevada debate now that the dust has...

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