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Inklings News

Anthropology, a social studies course, will be offered as an Early College Experience (ECE) course for the 2024-2025 school year. Students can sign up for a more challenging version of the course that offers benefits such as earning college credit at a discounted rate that can transfer to 87% of secondary institutions.

Anthropology ECE class approved in time for course selections

Rachel Olefson, Web News Editor March 7, 2024

Anthropology, a preexisting class at Staples focussing on the “major theories about the development of man, culture and civilization”, according to the Program of Studies, has just been approved to...

Emails and reminders for course registration can help students think ahead.

Scrambling to finalize courses for that “final counselor meeting’’

Alice Frascella ’25, Web Opinions Editor March 7, 2024

It feels like course registration  happens earlier and earlier each year. And it actually does. Every student (besides seniors of course) has to plan a meeting with their guidance counselor in a specific...

Students stress over the graduation requirement of taking an art credit.

Staples should not require art classes

Storey Ahl ’25, Staff Writer November 30, 2023

When January comes around and it's time to start thinking about what classes I want to take for next year, the requirement of an art credit always seems to be looming over my head.  According to the...

Personal Financial Management should be a graduation requirement to ensure that students are able to make informed financial decisions.

Personal Financial Management necessitates new graduation requirements

Meg Enquist ’23, Business Director March 20, 2023

While working on a problem set in AP Statistics, one of my classmates asked the teacher about tax day. This question, unrelated to the problem set, sparked a larger conversation about taxes among the class....

Course selection can be very stressful and students often take classes they feel look good on their transcripts. However, taking classes of genuine interest is much more beneficial and engaging.

A guide to course selection; strive for enjoyment

Margot Richlin ’23, Audience Engagement Manager January 22, 2023

Throughout the past three years of high school, I have found myself struggling to decide which courses I want to take for the following year during course selection. As a current senior, I have been reflecting...

Teacher recommendations do more harm than good

Emma Smith ’22, Arts editor March 19, 2021    

In the English department alone, it is more than evident that there is a great disparity between the course opportunities for underclassmen and upperclassmen.

Staples must provide more courses, freedom of selection to underclassmen

Julia Herlyn ’23, Editor-in-Chief February 26, 2021

When I was in eighth grade, filtering through Staples’ vast program of studies in anticipation for freshman year was initially overwhelming. I immediately took interest in some classes--East Asian Studies...

Teachers at Staples rearrange course curriculum, giving students with different teachers completely different learning experiences.

Disparity between teachers leads to student struggles

Kristina Chaney ’23, Staff writer February 12, 2021

My English 10 teacher assigned the sophomore research paper months before any of the other teachers did, and for me, the project spanned the second quarter instead of the traditional third quarter. I asked...

Students were required to preregister for next year’s courses in February. Previously, teachers made course level recommendations for each student, which can be used as a guide in determining a students schedule.

Students pressured to take AP classes during course selection

Tierney Kugel ’22, Paper Arts Editor March 16, 2020

As the task of course selection looms over students in March, peer pressure to add more advanced classes to next year’s schedule increases. Many students make it a personal goal to top their previous...

Students feel pressured over course selection during the months of January through March.

Course selection results in unnecessary stress

Maria Krug ’22, Arts Editor March 5, 2020

“You are only taking four APs?” says one student. “You weren’t recommended for AP Stat?” replies the other. “You should take at least two more APs senior year than you did junior year,” someone...

The Staples Guidance Department has started to discuss course selection for the 2020-2021 school year. All students have received a course selection “fact sheet”, giving students the information they need to consider when selecting courses for the next school year.

Early scheduling for 2020-2021 school year proves to be premature, causes unnecessary stress

Lucy Arrow, Paper Features Editor January 2, 2020

On Dec. 12, just like any other day, I walked into my weekly “Connections” meeting hoping to have the traditional 20 minutes of time. Despite my wanting to simply communicate and relax before the day...

Administration enacts new course selection policy, withholds finalized schedules until August

Administration enacts new course selection policy, withholds finalized schedules until August

Kaela Dockray ’20 January 24, 2019

    The Staples administration and guidance department have implemented changes to the course selection and scheduling process, requiring that students wait until August of the upcoming...

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