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Inklings News

Once individuals decide where they are going to college, they can join a facebook group and post a bit about themselves in order to find people in common. In most cases there are actual photos of the person and their friends rather than logos or images of things they like.

Students should reconsider the roommate search; maybe random isn’t so bad after all

Tori Wilson ’22, Paper Sports Editor March 27, 2022

As seniors decide where they are going to college, the vast majority’s next step is joining numerous Facebook groups, changing their Instagram bios and having their friends post about their acceptance...

High school students often seek the help of college counselors throughout their time in high school in order to figure out how best they can prepare for college applications, and receive advice during the process itself.

College counseling: negatives outweigh positives in most scenarios

Lys Goldman ’21, Paper Sports Editor May 25, 2021

I began hearing of people visiting college counselors at the beginning of freshman year. At the time, I wasn’t even sure what exactly a college counselor was or what they did. I was focused on figuring...

As the class of ’21 graduates, many students are making college admissions decisions. Staples students have gotten into universities across the nation, among those, Ivy league and top-tier universities.

Seniors reflect on college process, offer advice

Tierney Kugel ’22, Breaking News Manager May 17, 2021

As colleges issue their letters of acceptance and rejection to the high school class of ’21, many seniors are seeing their hard work pay off. Staples students are committing to universities across the...

Seniors must understand the neverending college process

Seniors must understand the neverending college process

Bri Zeiberg ’19, Social Media Director March 19, 2019

For many, a commitment to college may signify the end of a college process; from my experience, this is not the case. At the beginning of the college process, the main sources of stress are easily anticipated....

Speaking up proves to be a powerful tool for students

Speaking up proves to be a powerful tool for students

Olivia Foster, Staff Writer October 23, 2015

The college process is a daunting one; however, it can be substantially more helpful if you apply one simple tool: your own voice. “The Science of Sounding Smart,” a report from “Harvard Business...

Finding solace in silence

Finding solace in silence

Emma Berry, Opinions Editor January 13, 2015

It doesn't matter how much you've been through with your closest clique, how much you tell each other, or how long you've known each other, when it comes to the college process it is every man for himself. This...

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