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Pro-abortion rights protestors gather in downtown Westport holding signs supporting DefenDemocracy’s cause and listening to speakers.

Connecticut protests for abortion rights

Audrey Kercher ’23, Breaking News Manager May 18, 2022

A pro-abortion rights rally was held in Westport on Sunday, May 8 and was attended by Westport and neighboring town residents in protest of the leaked Roe v. Wade opinion draft. The Roe v. Wade draft opinion...

The Supreme Court case Roe vs. Wade may be overturned, taking away necessary reproductive and human rights for millions of women across America.

Potential overturn of Roe vs. Wade wrongfully strips women of their human rights

Jolie Gefen ’24, Web News Editor May 17, 2022

For decades, women have been granted their right to decide what happens with their bodies, specifically regarding abortions. But now, that right is under attack. Currently, the male dominated Supreme Court...

Westporters gather on Ruth Steinkraus Cohen Bridge in protest against recent Texas abortion ban on Sept. 5.

Texas abortion law despicable, but provides unexpected hope

Anastasia Thumser ’22, Web Managing Editor December 5, 2021

Texas’ oppressive abortion law that imposes bans on termination past a six week gestational age leaves little hope for people enslaved to both their reproductive cycle and discompassionate legislators....

Fairfield County protests Texas’s Senate Bill 8

Lilly Weisz ’23, Assistant Creative Director October 31, 2021

In response to the Texas abortion ban and subsequent Supreme Court ruling, protesters yelled chants such as “my body, my choice” and “we won’t go back” throughout the rally.

Protesters for abortion rights gather on Saugatuck River Bridge

Dania Hemdan ’24, Staff writer October 5, 2021

A pro-choice abortion rights rally took place Saturday afternoon, Oct. 2, at Saugatuck River Bridge. People from all different backgrounds, including Staples students, gathered on the sidewalks of the...

Many Westport community members reposted this image on social media in order to educate their peers on the Texas abortion ban and the local protest.

Westport community gathers peacefully downtown, shows disapproval of recent Texas abortion ban

Jolie Gefen ’24, Web Managing Editor September 14, 2021

Westport community members gathered on Main Street on Sept. 5 to protest the recent ban on abortions in Texas.  The Texas abortion law prohibits most abortions past 6 weeks with few exceptions.  Many...

Protesters in Westport gathered downtown on Sept. 5 in opposition to Texas’ restrictive abortion law. The event was organized by community members and leaders, and gained the attention of dozens of Westporters.

Texas abortion law despicable, but provides unexpected hope

Anastasia Thumser ’22, Web Managing Editor September 13, 2021

Texas’ oppressive abortion law that imposes bans on termination past a six week gestational age leaves little hope for people enslaved to both their reproductive cycle and discompassionate legislators....

The day of Amy’s hearing sparked concern amongst Americans, as many were upset over the close-minded opinions she held.

Barrett may change future of legalized abortions in America for the worse

Charlotte Gurley ’23, Staff writer November 4, 2020

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing seems as if it was years ago, as if it were swept under the rug, when, in fact, it only happened in September. I remember the day after her passing...

Trump’s potential Planned Parenthood ban will wrongfully deprive women of reproductive rights

Betti Kobak ’22, Managing Editor October 2, 2020

Since the Roe vs. Wade court case in 1973, women have been granted the right to abortion. It wasn’t until the ’70s that women were given the opportunity to make their own decisions about their...

Why I stand with Planned Parenthood

Why I stand with Planned Parenthood

Lulu Stracher, Staff Writer October 19, 2015

Planned Parenthood is the largest health care provider for women in the United States.  In 2013, it performed almost 865,721 pap smears and breast exams, provided 3,577,348 birth control services and...

Planned Parenthood debate continues to stir amongst student body

Planned Parenthood debate continues to stir amongst student body

Becky Hoving, News Editor October 5, 2015

In the second Republican debate, presidential candidate Carly Fiorina described a graphic video about Planned Parenthood (PP), saying that the women’s healthcare organization should no longer be funded...

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