To this day I can recall the great dreams I had coming into Staples. Man, I thought I’d take tough classes, study hard with a vigorous work ethic and get into an amazing college. Now, as a senior, the only accomplishment I’ve really made in my four years is the amount of times I’ve met the Assistant Principal (AP). I’m told every time there is a ‘chance’ I’m going to the office in order to receive a reward. Kids, let me tell you: that is never the case.
I am primarily writing this article to inform my teachers that over the next two weeks I’m going to be ‘conveniently’ sick whenever there is a test or large project due. Physics test? Math quiz? English essay? That can all wait until after the holidays. Mentally, I am already on vacation.
If I am honest (which is very rare), I do not even like winter break at all. I spend half of the holiday break anticipating the day after Christmas, so that I can buy discounted electronics that I do not need whatsoever.
At this point I really can’t be bothered to do school work. My applications have already been sent in to my early decision (community college, but they’re probably going to still find a way to deny me after all my meetings with the AP).
In case you somehow get the impression that my work ethic has collapsed because I’ve maybe been working so hard for the past three years, I assure you that has ?absolutely not been the case. My schedule for the past three years has consisted of school, going home to take a long “nap” that lasts several hours, then eating dinner for 30 minutes before heading straight to bed. I’m basically a senior-citizen already.
Some of the greatest leaders in world history have created their reputations by rolling the dice. George Washington crossed the Delaware to attack the British with his starving troops. Neil Armstrong was the first man to go into space and step onto the moon. And soon I will be among these leaders, by gambling that in the period after Christmas, my teachers will not give me many assignments.
Anyway, I would write more, but a blonde lady just entered my classroom and told me they know about this article and need me to head to the AP (again). Maybe this time I’m getting an award.