Picture this: it is 8:50 p.m. after a long Friday. Suddenly, it hits me… I need Ben and Jerry’s ice cream immediately. Now to many this would be nothing but a dream, an unfulfillable craving. However, because of my home’s perfect placement, I WILL make it to Fresh Market just before they close at 9 p.m..
I know, I know. Pretty lucky. I believe my house is in the best location in Westport. It’s a bold statement, but it’s true. Over the past year I have come to realize what an absolute gold mine my home’s location is.
I live two miles from Compo Beach, just less than a mile from downtown and 1.2 miles from Riverside Plaza. This utopia in between both the Saugatuck River and the Post Road Bridges bodes for easy access to Westport’s best. My favorite walking destinations to my right (downtown on Main Street) are the Studio Cafe, The Granola Bar, Green and Tonic and the Westport Library. To the left (Riverside Plaza), I love Kneads Bakery and MOMU Ice Cream (a new edition). All these places have brought me so many amazing memories that I associate with my home and will cherish.
With the beach two miles away, I can take a wholesome walk or even a brisk bike ride on Compo Road South. Fourth of July fireworks parking fiasco? Not our problem! It is really the perfect distance. I would say it’s the furthest from the beach I would want to go, any further and it wouldn’t be as walkable.
My favorite thing might have to be the park at the bottom of my street. Drake K. Salmon Park, overlooks the Saugatuck River and is the perfect place to view beautiful sunsets. I have so many amazing memories of post-dinner walks with both my old dog Sailor and my current dog Ollie. The whole trip takes roughly 10-15 minutes but it always brings me a whole new calm and clear mindset. I love this park.
Another great quality is that my house is on a quiet, private cul-de-sac off of the street and the “main” street isn’t busy either. The cul-de-sac has eight homes filled with beautiful, kind families and longtime friends. Two doors up the road lives my best friend and her wonderful family.
This home has given me so much to be grateful for. I feel so connected to Westport because of this house. I’m in the scene but still in a quiet pocket. My home, 2 Marvin Place, has set some pretty high standards for my future homes.
That said, with both my siblings in and graduating college, I know my time in this house is coming to an end as my parents will downsize. I know I’m not alone in this. Moving is an inevitable part of growing up.
But for me, eventually losing this childhood home feels like losing more than the physical house. Every nook and cranny holds a special memory, and I wonder how much I will recall when it is gone. So, I will cherish the time that remains for me at 2 Marvin Place and hold on to as many memories as I can in my heart.