Wellness enrichment day needed in times of stress

Photo taken by Olivia Signorile ’25

A hypnotist and a petting zoo were available to students as a type of break from school for wellness last year.

This week, you start preparing for your four examinations, along with hours of homework, projects and preparing for a presentation. All you want is a break from everything so you can clear your mind.

Due to COVID, every Wednesday was a partial day or online when I was in eighth grade. Then, when I was a freshman, there were numerous Wellness days with a variety of activities varying from a petting zoo to a hypnotist. The amount of work high school students have to do may be highly overwhelming for almost everyone. These wellness days greatly impact me, as I know it does many other students as well. 

Staples should make wellness days a top priority rather than something that happens occasionally.

This year’s first Wellness day is the day before Thanksgiving break, which is scheduled as a half day.  That means the wellness portion lasts only 30 minutes. Despite the fact that this is better than nothing, it almost feels insignificant as it is 30 minutes right before a four day break. 

I don’t feel like I’m taking a break from school when the wellness part of the wellness enrichment day lasts only 30 minutes. Additionally, because there will be no class period after the wellness time period occurs, many students will leave early. The actual aspect of taking a break from school and doing activities to have fun won’t be carried out. A longer wellness enrichment day would, in my opinion, encourage more students to participate and provide them with a break from stress.

After three months of school, we get one 30-minute break before our first break of the year, so I believe wellness days should be given more priority here. Instead of doing activities not related to school for the last 30 minutes of the day, we should practice this all day long. This would prove extremely beneficial and help students take their mind off of the stress of school and allow them to have a full-day break from their work.