Seniors leaving prompts reflection, sadness
Photo taken by Emily Goldstein ’23
The senior class of ’22 is planned to graduate on June 16, leaving high school and moving onwards toward post-graduate plans.
I remember my first day of high school vividly. I walked in as a clueless freshman with my sister, a year older, and her four best friends. The presence of the older kids kept my anxiety from escalating and they walked me to class smiling and encouraging me the entire way. Now, three years later, my sister and her friends are all moving on to college, leaving me behind to start a new chapter of their lives. I always knew this day would come, but it doesn’t make it feel any easier now that it’s approaching.
Staples cultivates a tight-knit community between the two upper classes due to varsity sports teams, shared academics and social events outside of school. The senior class has made high school increasingly easier due to their constant support and guidance through every rough patch, and I will miss their presence in the hallways.
It is also extremely hard for me to imagine my home life without my sister. A typical day consists of me entering her room maybe 30 times whether it’s to complain about my parents or ask to borrow her jeans.I am used to growing up in a loud house, so with both of my siblings in college, things are going to look a lot different. Living with just my parents will definitely be lonelier and quieter.
It’s easy to be selfish during this time and loathe that my sister and best friends are leaving me, but I am also excited for them to start this new chapter of their lives. I am so proud of everything they have accomplished throughout Staples, as I know oftentimes the environment can be demanding and stressful. I know they will all go on to do amazing things and I cannot wait to hear everything even if it’s on FaceTime instead of a five-second walk into the next bedroom.
My reality check about the seniors leaving has taught me to cherish my time here at Staples. Although every day isn’t always rainbows and sunshine, before we know it, we’ll be the ones throwing our caps up into the air and waving our last goodbyes.

Emily Goldstein ‘23, the Public Relations Director, initially joined Inklings because her sister was in it. Goldstein has experienced several roles such...