Media negatively affects popularity meaning

The concept of the word popularity has completely changed for the worse, causing pessimistic feelings to develop among high school students.

The concept of the word popularity has completely changed for the worse, causing pessimistic feelings to develop among high school students.

Self-centered, egotistical, judgemental drama queens are often associated with the word “popular.” Let’s be real; does the genius who wears braces and glasses come across as popular to you? I didn’t think so. The word “popular” has gone from being a positive trait to a negative one all due to the media.

Whether it’s from books, movies, tv shows or occasionally real life, being popular is seen as malicious and snobby. With movies such as “Mean Girls” or “High School Musical,” we get the impression that being popular is something negative, something that comes along with selfishness and cruelty. However, “popular” is defined as liked, enjoyed or admired by many people. So why has it now become something that is frowned upon?

Today, adults tend to inform adolescents that being popular is completely unnecessary and will derive them of their happiness. Throughout generations, this pleasant, kind word has changed into one that reflects wrongful behavior.

When one is considered popular in this day in age, it’s typically due to wealth, beauty or style. Sadly, personalities are now overlooked and appearances are people’s main priorities. According to the literal definition of the word, if one is considered popular it has nothing to do with appearance, but who you are as a person. Most people do not care about the girl who is friends with everyone due to her kind heart and friendliness; all they care about is the most gorgeous girl with the highest social status.

Unfortunately, high school popularity is a key component that wrecks teens emotionally. I couldn’t even express how many posts on social media I’ve seen of people balling their eyes out from various problems concerning popularity. Some were because they weren’t invited to a “popular” party, their friends betrayed them for “popularity” or because they felt they weren’t pretty enough for anyone.

The concept of popularity causes people to question themselves and feel the need to make themselves into someone they’re not. They put on a mask just to fit people’s standards of who they think society wants them to be because they’re so caught up in comparing themselves to others.

Being perfect and popular may seem like the most important thing in the world, but trust me, there are better things to do than spending your time with people who you’re barely even friends with just for the sake of socializing. Believe me, been there done that.