Marlo Von der Ahe ’20
Everyone has taken plastic and styrofoam for granted. This ban on these products is a necessity in order to keep Earth clean.
Westport has recently banned plastic and styrofoam from restaurants or other food services beginning in six months. This overdue ban that took place on May 7 is a huge step in the right direction. Westport is the first town on the east coast to take action against single-use plastics and styrofoam. They are planning on removing plastic, styrofoam containers, straws, stirrers and cups, transitioning to compostable and recyclable alternatives.
As a person who is very invested in climate change and cares deeply about the safety of Earth, I am proud that Westport has taken initiative and are responding to earth’s needs. Humans have become way too dependent on these plastic and styrofoam products. It is because of our laziness that nobody wants to make a change. But, now that we are forced to make a change, Westport could play a big role in affecting other towns.
What everyone needs to do is move to more sustainable products. For example, if you are going to get a coffee, skip the plastic straw and use a metal one that you can buy online for a cheap price. When going to the market, bring renewable bags and skip the plastic or paper ones. When going to get an iced tea somewhere, for example, bring your own bottle, and I bet they will be happy to fill it for you. I know that at Starbucks, they give people 10 cents off if you bring your own coffee cup. People will adhere to your needs if they see that you are trying to live a greener life.
Not only should this ban motivate people to make their lives cleaner, but this should also be a spark for people to speak up when they see something they don’t like. Although I am insanely proud to be going plastic and styrofoam free, there are still a lot more steps that we, as a country, have to take. And, that needs to start from the big corporations who are the biggest polluters.