Staples’ sport teams should allow everyone to play, no matter their capabilities

At the beginning of each sports season, Staples’ students await tryouts. As kids bite their nails, bounce their legs and tap their feet on the floor, they anxiously wait to find out if they will be cut or not. But maybe we should rethink how we recruit and value high school sports.

High school sports should be an opportunity for all students to pursue their passions before they enter the “real world.” Whether you are starting your first year at a sport or playing for your tenth year, all interested students should be able to play at Staples High School.  

It isn’t right to reward only those athletes with the greatest skill; passion should also be considered.  Immense amounts of time and effort goes into preparing for a sport. But sometimes, even when a child goes the extra mile to attend the gym and play in the off season, their efforts go unnoticed and they still may be cut, and that isn’t right.

Making a team has numerous benefits to an individual. According to The Anxiety and Depression Association of America, playing sports and taking part in physical activity not only help people stay in good physical shape, but also helps to exercise the brain and reduce stress.

Additionally, there should not be cuts because sports help in other aspects of life. For example, sports help an individual improve his/her academics, build his/her social relationships and enhance his/her leadership skills. But when students are cut, they are not  given the opportunity to take part in these benefits.

Although Staples’ sports are competitive, there should be a spot for someone, no matter their skill level or age.