Colored eggs, stuffed with pink and yellow M&Ms and seasonal bunny Kit Kats, are scattered throughout my house on Easter morning. Still in our PJs, my brothers and I grab a carton of eggs, equally divvy them up and plop them into cups of dye.
But, simply dying eggs can get boring year after year. This spring, I decided I’d spruce up the tradition with some new egg-coloring methods I fell in love with on Pinterest.
For those who can’t part from tradition:
These are a twist on the classic Easter eggs.
After boiling your eggs and letting them cool, create a mixture of one tablespoon of vinegar, half of a cup of water, and several drops of food coloring. You have the freedom to make whatever colors you’d like.
Simply tilt your egg on an angle as you dye it, holding onto part of it, and letting it soak up the dye for a minute. Then, to get a lighter shade, change the angle and hold it in the water for half that time. Continue as you please, changing colors as desired, creating a dip-dyed effect.
For those who aren’t artistic:
Who doesn’t love a new box of crayons? Pick out a few of your favorite Crayola colors; I used three colors per egg. Then, take a warm egg out of the pot and let your imagination soar, coloring in any form or direction. The crayon will immediately begin to melt as you press against the egg, creating a paint-like effect. Layer the colors on top of each other.
This method is by far my favorite. It’s so quick and brings back sweet memories of kindergarten.
For those with little patience:
Some people can’t stand the idea of sitting down, holding an egg inside a bowl of colored water for a few minutes; they get antsy.
This method allows egg-decorators to quickly plop their eggs in the solution, open their Easter baskets, prepare dinner, and come back 40 minutes later to take out their eggs.
All you need is a cup and a half of shaving cream and a few drops of food coloring. You can mix your colors however you’d like. For one of my eggs, I mixed red and blue, allowing the colors stay somewhat separated. For another, I added green and yellow to create a vibrant neon yellow hue.
No matter the color, you’ll get a beautiful speckled egg when you’re timer goes off. Note that eggs dipped in shaving cream are not safe to eat, but are great for decorating the dinner table.
This holiday season, push the boundaries of tradition and try something new with these egg-cellent Pinterest-inspired eggs.