“Wunderlist” creates wunderful organization skills
Believe it or not, about two months ago, I was not the same girl I am today.
I was messy, stressed out, surprised by quizzes in class and was always remembering my homework at the last second.
I mean, it’s not to say I didn’t have the basic organization skills down, I did. I had all my binders color coordinated, my dividers perfectly separating each unit and all of my notes hole punched to perfection.
But after a while, color coordination just doesn’t cut it.
So one night in my stress panic mode with my head pounding in need of both moral and mental support, I googled “organization apps”.
After scouring the possible choices, I finally landed upon “Wunderlist,” a task management tool where you can make to-do lists and organize your work.
Here’s how it works; you make the amount of “lists” you need, and then set up individual tasks in each of those areas. For me, I have one homework list, one activities list, and usually an “other” list where I sort out tasks that aren’t school related.
Then, it’s work time.
Once you finish an assignment on the list, you check off the box and a satisfying “ding” fills the room, which gives you the feeling that making those vocab flashcards was actually a laudable task.
According to tbguide.com, the best way to help with organizational issues is to write things down. The site recommends to “Get a daily planner and write things down in the order you’re going to do them,” which is literally Wunderlist, just digital.
Scientifically speaking, the right frontal lobe of the brain, the visual organizational skills, works a lot better when you limit yourself to one activity at a time until you have completed that task.
To say the least, my right frontal lobe was feeling pretty ‘lax after I had Wunderlist.
So if every Thursday night it suddenly dawns on you that you have a chemistry test the next day, do yourself a favor and download Wunderlist.

This may be Opinions Editor Izzy Ullman ’17’s first year on the Inklings staff, but she certainly has ample experience with journalism. Ullman, who...