Graphic by Emma Muro
College is like painting on a brand-spanking-new canvas.
Nobody knows you or what you did in the past, your high school status, or that you had a raging unibrow in sixth grade.
Paintbrush in hand, you can showcase yourself as whoever you want to be. And some people, as I’m sure you’ve heard from just about any senior in a college group on Facebook, just jump right on in.
Once you get that golden letter of acceptance in the mail, you’re free to channel your inner stalker and scope out members of your designated school’s admitted students page.
More often than not, though, before you can even click on the “Members” tab, you feel overwhelmed with the infinite feed of introductions and roommate requests.
While many introductions are nearly identical (i.e. “I’m super chill, love Netflix, like
to party but also study!”), some prefer to make a bolder statement.
Some girls seem to not only be recruiting a potential roommate and “bestie,” but also a walking wardrobe, as they include their size for tops, jeans, and shoes. I’m sure they’re getting a lot of takers.
Perhaps, my favorite are the guys who are honest, genuine, outspoken with their motives. One post that particularly caught my eye included, “I’m majoring in women and minoring in booze,” as its second sentence.
What a gem.
If you do decide to put yourself out there and post in a group, be honest but not cheesy, and make sure to put in something that sets you apart. Because for god’s sake, everyone already knows you’re chill and like Netflix.