There it is: that trivial, miniscule, unimportant, homework assignment I missed.
A daunting zero contaminates my grade report. Normally, missing one assignment wouldn’t be such a day-ruiner.
But the belligerent text message from my mom that I’ll be receiving around third period is definitely a lunch spoiler.
So thank you Home Access Center for giving both of my parents complete and total “access” to every individual grade I receive in all of my classes.
Maybe I should just invite my mom to sit behind me in class. She can cheer me on, “Go honey! Raise your hand! Answer the question! It’ll improve your grade!” What’s the difference between that and getting a full report online?
One blank sheet of homework or one poor quiz, overall, will not affect my grade as much as my parents think.
Of course, they’ll begin to feel faint when they see an awful grade, but I can make up for it with the next few assignments.
This temporary period of stress is unnecessary and so easily avoidable. Down with home access center!
In every family, there is a different relationship between parents and kids, but the school exacerbates on personal, family dynamics by forcing completely open grade books.
Not only do parents have 24/7 access, but there also requires a password and username. What if parents don’t want to share this to their child? Transferring school to home is a mutual decision between students and their parents, not the school and parents.
Students don’t need additional stress so give them time, on their own terms, to warn their parents of a bad grade. Going through the school day without that panic induced headache or eye twitch would be preferable, maybe even pleasant.
Trust me, students know what’s coming when they go home after that pop quiz, so let them at least hold the trigger to the bomb.
Tracy • Oct 23, 2012 at 10:32 am
This made me laugh . . . and I’m a parent.