StaplesHigh School: The Movie
Imagine a homecoming football game.
Face-painted fans swarm the bleachers. Cheerleaders scream in belly shirts and short skirts. Hundreds of parents sport dark blue and bleached white, praying for the home team.
A stereotypical high school movie?
No, it’sStaplesHighHigh School. Because Staples has school spirit.
With an avid group of sports fans, strong teams and spirit days,StaplesHigh Schooldoes everything they can to be spirited.
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Think white. White for white-outs. White with navy block letters, spelling “Staples.” It’s the Superfans. At the beginning of every year a group of students takes the responsibility of organizing the iconic Superfan T-Shirt. For freshmen new to the school, it’s just a taste of the excitement and energy that Staples brings to sporting events.
Less than a month ago, on Friday, October 1, around 100 students arrived at the Brian McMahon stadium dressed head to toe in white –- the shirts, of course, but also faces, coats, hats, scarves, everything from the top up — for a “White-Out” declared by the Facebook group “STAPLES SUPERFANS 11-12,” organized by Stephen Colodny ’13 and Andrew Felman ’14. Dozens, scores, maybe a hundred pictures of a sea of white and up-close shots of screaming fans were uploaded to students’ individual pages the next night.
This is exactly what it means to be spirited.
It’s not just Superfan events. Pajama day, color war day, decades day, twin day and blue and white day will all welcome in the Homecoming weekend.StaplesHigh School’s school spirit is shown by every single student and occasionally staff members on at least one of the days in the week leading up to Homecoming.
Students will parade out of their period six classes, last period Friday, and quickly fill up the football bleachers in their blue and white to cheer for their favorite sports and for their friends who participate on the teams. It’s like a talent show where you get to enjoy and also make fun of the very people you walk down the halls with every day. There are emcees who put themselves out there and risk making fools out of themselves, all to heighten Wreckers spirit.
For all the nay-sayers who think thatStaplesHigh Schooldoes not have school spirit, I’ll leave them with this.
Walk through the hallways on an average day, and you’ll find students dressed up for their games that afternoon, students deciding what time to head out to Loeffler Field to watch a varsity soccer game, and more than a handful of kids inSHS logo wear.
Walk around the school this week, and you’ll see countless numbers of student and faculty sporting the navy and white, in honor of Homecoming.
If that’s not school spirit, I don’t know what is.
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