Leah Bitsky ’12
A & E Editor
A few weeks ago I was having a sleepover with a few of my friends from around Boston. We turned on the TV and the Yankees-Red Sox game was on.

I started cheering and clapping because I saw that the Yankees were ahead, and just then, all of my friends started booing at me and telling me I needed to leave the room if I was going to continue cheering for the Yankees.
I know they were kidding, but I also know that behind every joke, there is a little bit of truth. This is when it hit me that Red Sox fans are meaner than Yankee fans.
I know those Red Sox fans are bitter because of the whole curse thing, but honestly it’s over now so they really ought to get over it.
For starters, Red Sox fans are the ones that wear the infamous Yankee hater hats. I find those hats to be extremely lame. In fact, I think they just wear those hats because they hate the Yankees more than they like the Red Sox. What kind of fans are they?
I’ve also noticed that Red Sox fans are always the ones picking the fights. They’re instigators. When I tell my Boston friends about a Yankees game, they get angry and tell me things like “the Yankees suck.”
Well, my little naïve Red Sox fans, if by “suck” you mean winners of the most World Series in baseball history, then sure, they “suck.”
Red Sox fans are always talking about how bad the Yankees are. I just laugh it off, because I know they just can’t face the facts that we have won 27 World Series, while they have only won 7—haven’t even made it to the double digits…so sad.
One comment I hear a lot from the Red Sox fans is that the new Yankees Stadium is overly flashy, big, and expensive. Well, they probably just think it’s too flashy because they have two big cases of the green monster.
The first big case is jealousy—they are green with envy. They are jealous that our stadium is pimped out with amazing restaurants like a steak house and the Hard Rock Café, as well as museums, huge TV monitors, and basically anything that can make a baseball game a luxurious experience.
The other case of the green monster the Red Sox fans seem to be permanently sick with is The Green Monster, also known as Fenway Park. The fans all seem to be very proud of the stadium, with all the history it holds or whatever, but I’ve sat in those seats before, and they’re very uncomfortable.
I’m tired of Red Sox fans bashing on me because I like the Yankees. They don’t see us wearing Red Sox Hater hats.
I think those Red Sox fans just have to learn how to be good sports about the whole rivalry thing.
As for the Red Sox team; they just have to learn how to be good at sports.
let's be nice here :) • Nov 9, 2010 at 5:02 pm
Guys– This is just a newspaper article that Leah wrote for fun! She has freedom of speech and if she thinks the Yankees are better than the Red Sox, so be it. If you think otherwise, so be it. Respect her opinion just like you would want your opinion on the Yankees and/or Red Sox respected.
Callie L. • Nov 4, 2010 at 5:53 pm
also to add because I ran out of room, I am a true yankees fan as well, one of the biggest ones
I can promise you that I know pretty much everyone from the past and present yankees teams, beyond alex and derek and cano and CC, in fact, my favorite players are curtis and cervelli
and my dads stores, if you’ve ever been to the stadium, are on the main floor when you walk in, across from section 118 (its the biggest one in the entire stadium) and his other store is the women’s store only a few feet down that only sells things for girls, its ran through fifth and ocean and victoria secret
also, the off-season is probably my dads busiest time of the year, so don’t comment unless you understand, it is when he re-stocks, gets rid of the old merchandise and buys/designs all the new merchandise to come, he hires new employees, meets with new brands and licensing companies and assists with new advertisements and promos for the upcoming season
My dad is a very important person when it comes to the yankees, my mom even threw out a first pitch at a game for breast cancer awareness, so please stop acting like idiots
NAs NAS • Nov 6, 2010 at 10:27 am
i can assure u i kno more about sports, and baseball than u, despite ur expirience with the MLB.
thats besides the point. I just completely disagree with this article. it is extremely biased and unfair to call out and entire group because of 4-5 friends.
im a yankee fan btw.
Callie L. • Nov 4, 2010 at 5:53 pm
also to add because I ran out of room, I am a true yankees fan as well, one of the biggest ones
I can promise you that I know pretty much everyone from the past and present yankees teams, beyond alex and derek and cano and CC, in fact, my favorite players are curtis and cervelli
and my dads stores, if you’ve ever been to the stadium, are on the main floor when you walk in, across from section 118 (its the biggest one in the entire stadium) and his other store is the women’s store only a few feet down that only sells things for girls, its ran through fifth and ocean and victoria secret
also, the off-season is probably my dads busiest time of the year, so don’t comment unless you understand, it is when he re-stocks, gets rid of the old merchandise and buys/designs all the new merchandise to come, he hires new employees, meets with new brands and licensing companies and assists with new advertisements and promos for the upcoming season
My dad is a very important person when it comes to the yankees, my mom even threw out a first pitch at a game for breast cancer awareness, so please stop acting like idiots
Callie L. • Nov 4, 2010 at 5:39 pm
to respond to samuels and nasir:
don’t be stupid…please
I guess my implication that i’ve been to every super bowl since I was born, since I was a baby, was apparently too hard for you guys to understand
and actually my dad owns two stores in yankee stadium, that sell all the clothes, souveniers etc. ask anyone that knows me, or look him up, Michael Loparo
he goes every day, leaves at 6 and returns home around midnight, he’s very busy and does a lot for the team so please don’t disrespect him
and if you still don’t belive me, go to my Facebook where you will find pictures of me with several of the players, Callie Loparo
and i can’t respond to all those questions because I don’t have enough comment space to type a whole roster but I can assure you that I know them
please stop acting like immature little brats, just because I go to more games and my dad works for the yankees franchise and know more about sports, especially baseball, more than you doesn’t mean you have to throw a hissy fit
and also, I do go to pretty much every home game, not all, but several times a week and most weekend, I train in after school and do my homework in my dads office and sometimes from my seat
Callie L. • Nov 4, 2010 at 5:39 pm
to respond to samuels and nasir:
don’t be stupid…please
I guess my implication that i’ve been to every super bowl since I was born, since I was a baby, was apparently too hard for you guys to understand
and actually my dad owns two stores in yankee stadium, that sell all the clothes, souveniers etc. ask anyone that knows me, or look him up, Michael Loparo
he goes every day, leaves at 6 and returns home around midnight, he’s very busy and does a lot for the team so please don’t disrespect him
and if you still don’t belive me, go to my Facebook where you will find pictures of me with several of the players, Callie Loparo
and i can’t respond to all those questions because I don’t have enough comment space to type a whole roster but I can assure you that I know them
please stop acting like immature little brats, just because I go to more games and my dad works for the yankees franchise and know more about sports, especially baseball, more than you doesn’t mean you have to throw a hissy fit
and also, I do go to pretty much every home game, not all, but several times a week and most weekend, I train in after school and do my homework in my dads office and sometimes from my seat
lawlz • Nov 2, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Just want to say that the reactions of red sox fans only further the stereotype that they are all mean when it comes to the sport and the team.
dismella:) • Nov 1, 2010 at 10:53 pm
as much as any of you may or may not agree .. who cares. this is a well written opinionated editorial so give her some credit for her beautiful writing. theres this new thing called an opinion in which a person is given the right to have .. THEIR OWN THOUGHTS OH MY GOD. so yess, obviously some of you may not agree but shut up and appreciate the writing style because im assuming most of you probably cant write half as good. nice job leah (even though i dont like the yankees haha) love dibella
don't be rude... • Nov 1, 2010 at 10:19 pm
guys, this is really just a school newspaper article. Leah was being funny, she wasn’t claiming to be all-knowing about baseball. The last line is a joke, a view many Yankees fans share, and as Leah is a Yankees fan, just GIVE HER A BREAK! goshdarnit don’t be rude. She’s quite talented.
Callie L. • Oct 28, 2010 at 6:40 pm
I don’t understand why everyone is being so negative
Leah wrote an amazing article and deserves a lot of credit
“Silent Observer”, just to respond to your totally innapropriate comment, I probably know a lot more about baseball than you, being a girl doesn’t make me, Leah, or any other girl in general, any less knowledgable about baseball, let alone sports
My dad has worked from the NFL from the day I was born until last year and now, he works for the New York Yankees, his office is inside the stadium
I’ve being going to sporting events since I was a toddler, so If you really think I know nothing about it then think that, but your wrong
I’ve been to every super bowl and pretty much every single Yankees home game from last year to this year
If you’re so smart and an apparent all sports expert, please enlighten me…I mean since you’re a guy and everything, I’m sure you’re much more knowledgable than I am
Ice Cold Maliq Samuels • Nov 4, 2010 at 11:33 am
ok, i bet u think, “O i know who Derek Jeter Is! I Know who Robinson Canoe is! i know more about sports”
what year did the yankees become a franchise?
What year did the yankees win their first championship?
how many years straight and what years did the yankee dynasty win the championship?
Can u name the whole roster? (ENTIRE ROSTER, not just starting)
Can u name the roster of any other era besides this one?
etc. and dont google all of this lol.
My Dad is 62 years old, he has been to over 200 yankees games and is a lifelong fan.
I also am a TRUE fan
So ur dad works for the yankees? what does he do for them? keep in mind yankee stadium isnt open year round, even to the employees. i highly doubt your dad goes to yankee stadium every day to work in an office.
Nasir Khalifa Monqueits Olami (Nas) • Nov 4, 2010 at 11:44 am
“I’ve been to every super bowl” doesnt that make you like….60? lol
I highly doubt u saw Vince Lombardi and the Green Bay Packers Defeat Hank Schram and the Kansas City Chiefs in 1967? i think not.
“I’ve been to pretty much every single Yankees home game from last year to this year” so even on school nights u have managed to show up to over 80 games? mmmm hmmm, sure.
I’d rlly like to see u on a sports trivia show, i highly doubt u would get far considering the questions would probably not all be about 2009-2010 yankees.
Ice Cold Maliq Samuels • Oct 28, 2010 at 11:55 am
iight,,,,Listen. This here dunt make sense. Ya need ta relize the facts b4 ya rite themmm.
-Ice Cold Maliq Samuels
Ice Cold Maliq Samuels • Oct 28, 2010 at 11:55 am
iight,,,,Listen. This here dunt make sense. Ya need ta relize the facts b4 ya rite themmm.
-Ice Cold Maliq Samuels
Silent Observer • Oct 28, 2010 at 11:16 am
It’s funny because the only person who agreed with you is a girl..not to suggest that you no nothing about baseball BUT…it is obvious that some of you’re knowledge in this article comes from little more than the knowledge that is required to be a fan of a front-runner..go watch field hockey instead..
Silent Observer • Oct 28, 2010 at 11:16 am
It’s funny because the only person who agreed with you is a girl..not to suggest that you no nothing about baseball BUT…it is obvious that some of you’re knowledge in this article comes from little more than the knowledge that is required to be a fan of a front-runner..go watch field hockey instead..
J • Oct 28, 2010 at 9:39 am
Nobody knows the yankees outside of America? thats like saying no one outside of America has ever heard of America.
I have visited Spain, Italy, Africa, London, Switzerland and France.
All these countries show MLB games on TV! and everyone is a Yankees fan because baseball is not their primary sport. Also, many stores sell Yankee Merchadise
most of the players in the MLB are from Asia, South America, and Central America. i assure you that if they were able to make the MLB, they are aware of the Yankees and the Red Sox. You obviously dont know enough about world culture
Red Sox • Oct 27, 2010 at 10:04 pm
This is the most biased, ignorant article.
First of all, there are Red Sox hater hats and “Red Sox Suck” Shirts.
Second of all, Yankees fans probably “boo” Red Sox fans more than Red Sox Fans do Yankees fans.
It seems like you aren’t much of a big yankee fan if you think this.
Callie L. • Oct 26, 2010 at 6:24 pm
OMG Leah, I just read this article! I love it! It’s so hysterical because it’s so true! Red Sox fans really are just so jealous and negative. I learned that when I went to a Boston Yanks game in Boston in all my Yankees gear. They were so awful! I know people probably think this is stereotypical, but it really is the truth… I mean 27 versus 7…. let’s get real.
Great work! It reminds me of all our Yankee conversations in gym last year!
Callie L. • Oct 26, 2010 at 6:24 pm
OMG Leah, I just read this article! I love it! It’s so hysterical because it’s so true! Red Sox fans really are just so jealous and negative. I learned that when I went to a Boston Yanks game in Boston in all my Yankees gear. They were so awful! I know people probably think this is stereotypical, but it really is the truth… I mean 27 versus 7…. let’s get real.
Great work! It reminds me of all our Yankee conversations in gym last year!
Red Sox Fan Numbah One • Oct 26, 2010 at 6:02 pm
Are you actually for real? This is one of the stupidest columns I’ve ever seen. Why don’t you actually put down a foundation of athletic knowledge before making arbitrary assumptions that don’t even make sense? On that note, the Yankees are one of the most unethical teams in the MLB, whereas the Red Sox is just, well, not! It’s not that I am against your opinion, I’m totally fine with you being a Yankees fan. But you can’t say that Red Sox fans are “mean” simply because you feel like it. It’s degrading to you, wildly inappropriate, and just completely wrong.
Red Sox Fan Numbah One • Oct 26, 2010 at 6:02 pm
Are you actually for real? This is one of the stupidest columns I’ve ever seen. Why don’t you actually put down a foundation of athletic knowledge before making arbitrary assumptions that don’t even make sense? On that note, the Yankees are one of the most unethical teams in the MLB, whereas the Red Sox is just, well, not! It’s not that I am against your opinion, I’m totally fine with you being a Yankees fan. But you can’t say that Red Sox fans are “mean” simply because you feel like it. It’s degrading to you, wildly inappropriate, and just completely wrong.
Lamarcus • Oct 26, 2010 at 2:00 pm
This is a terrible, terrible stereotype. “As for the Red Sox team; they just have to learn how to be good at sports.” honestly? they should be good at sports? What sports should they be good at? basketball? You’re talking about a team of major league baseball players, most of whom have played for the yankees at some point. The fact that you would suggest that some of the greatest baseball players our country has to offer need to be “good at sports” makes it obvious that you are nothing more than a bandwagon fan of a front-running team. If you were a true fan of the yankees(or baaseball in general), you probably would know that Fenway Park, the home of the Red Sox, is one of the most historical, idyllic sights in the major leagues, not some multiBILLION dollar extravaganza like that of the yankees. Stick to writing articles about topics you actually know a thing or two about.
a disgruntled reader • Oct 26, 2010 at 1:47 pm
Its not the most reasonable oppinion that “Red Sox fans are mean” because the Red Sox and the Yankees have the biggest rivalry in sports history, so of course there will be criticism.
You also cant judge an entire group of people just because 2-4 of your friends criticized your opinion.
By the way, I have been a Yankees fan all my life.
anonymous • Oct 26, 2010 at 8:53 pm
That is completely wrong: Biggest rivalry in sports history.
To tell you the truth anyone who plays soccer will tell you that your statement is false. No one outside of America even know who the heck the Yankees and the Red Sox are. Everyone knows that the World Cup Final Game this year was a major rival.
a disgruntled reader • Oct 27, 2010 at 8:20 am
No rivalry dates back as far as the Yankees vs the Red Sox.
More movies, television shows, documentaries, merchandise, and popularity have been made about the Yankees Red Sox rivalry.
Espn ranked it #1 biggest rivalry
No one outside of U.S? i strongly disagreee
J • Oct 28, 2010 at 9:39 am
Nobody knows the yankees outside of America? thats like saying no one outside of America has ever heard of America.
I have visited Spain, Italy, Africa, London, Switzerland and France.
All these countries show MLB games on TV! and everyone is a Yankees fan because baseball is not their primary sport. Also, many stores sell Yankee Merchadise
most of the players in the MLB are from Asia, South America, and Central America. i assure you that if they were able to make the MLB, they are aware of the Yankees and the Red Sox. You obviously dont know enough about world culture