Sammie Hardy ’11
Web Opinions Editor
From the moment the master schedule arrives inside the guidance department, the chaos begins. Almost every student is either in the conflict resolution line or just doesn’t bother. And this is all because of his or her reach to achieve a dream schedule at arena.

The class of 2011 is now a group of veterans of arena. Here are the top five tips to taking home a schedule you love.
# 1) “CRY. You will get any class you want when the teacher sees a tear.”
Zach Slater ‘11
# 2) “Just relax; it all works out eventually.”
Tierney Bannon ‘11
# 3) “Prepare a lot of schedules.”
Kelley Hussey ‘11
# 4) “Go to the shortest lines first.”
Kara Tricarico ‘11
# 5) “”
Ryan Burke ‘11
If you stick to these tips, and keep your cool on June 21, or 22, you will walk out of the crowded hallway pleased.
inklings reader • Jun 15, 2010 at 5:15 pm
“see’s” should be “sees.” it’s not possessive.
“” is actually “”