Samantha Freeman ’11
Web A&E Editor
As the holiday season comes around, it is inevitable for me to plan my wishlist. Although my list could go on forever, here are my top 5:
1. Subscription to the Fitness Edge
New Years resolution: become more active and less of a couch potato.
Price: $20 / month with unlimited access to the gym and group classes
2. Wallet
It is time to grow up and transition from my duct tape wallet to a more sophisticated accessory.
Price: $98
3. Gift Cards
I would much rather shop for myself instead of risking the ever so popular sweater bought in the children’s section of Macy’s from grandma (Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie are great stores, hint hint).
Price: There is so much flexibility with gift cards… go crazy!
4. Car
As every normal teenage begs for a car, this is a far off dream that will never come true at my house this holiday season.
Price: $25,340
5. All the seasons of the OC on DVD
While my mom may believe this is unnecessary, it is a vital part of my DVD collection and what will entertain me on those rainy days when the thought of getting out of bed is funny.
Price: $87