Starbucks plastic cups have now shifted to compostable paper cups on Feb. 11 in both Westport stores. Due to an effort to reduce waste, Starbucks is now using compostable cold cups and lids, including both dome and flat lids. Starbucks is making an effort to become more sustainable as these new cups have 10-20% less plastic in them.
“The new cups are made from fiber- based paper board with a bioplastic liner, which makes them opaque,” Starbucks said.
This switch is just taking place in Westport and not in other stores in Fairfield County. However across the country in different areas the switch has been active since July of 2024.
“We switched to compostable cups (meaning paper for both hot and cold) in order to comply with local regulations recently passed by the town of Westport,” Starbucks worker Lucas Bear ’25 said. “Only the two stores in Westport are affected.”
Students were in shock when they went to get their morning coffee and were greeted by paper cups.
“When I went to Starbucks this morning I was so confused when they put my pink drink in the paper cup,” Alex Hackett ’25 said. “I did not like how I was unable to see how much of my drink was left. The straw also doesn’t fit very well in the little hole which is super frustrating.”
An additional change in Westport Starbucks locations is that you will be served your drink in a coffee mug or glass if you order the beverage “for here” and drink it on site.These drinks will be given an immediate refill if it is coffee or tea.
“Any first beverage ordered in a ‘for here’ cup or personal cup is welcome to free refills of hot or iced brewed coffee and tea during their same day visit to that cafe,” the Starbucks website states.