The ongoing lack of rain and unusually high temperatures over the past few weeks have significantly increased the risk of brush fires in Westport and surrounding Connecticut areas.
Weather conditions since the end of October have been unusually dry, with no recorded rainfall and temperatures reaching into the high 70s—unseasonably warm compared to previous falls. This forecast continued through Wednesday, Nov. 6, which had 75 degree temperatures and no rain.
According to the National Weather Service, in September and October, the Westport area typically receives almost 8 inches of rain, but this year it received less than one inch. The average high temperature in October (68 degrees) was almost 4 degrees higher than the normal high temperature (64.4). This extended period of warm and dry weather has greatly increased fire risks across the state and has caused extreme measures to take place.
On Oct. 26, Connecticut’s Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) issued an order limiting outdoor fires. “An emergency burn ban is now in effect … prohibiting the use of all outdoor grills, firepits, and campfires, and the kindling and use of flame outdoors,” the Forest Fire Danger Report stated. “Please note that today’s forest fire danger report remains at a ‘very high’ level.”
While the extended dry, warm weather has heightened the risk of brush fires and led to fire bans, it has also offered unexpected benefits for fall sports and activities.
“Because I play soccer and our post season runs late into November, this warm weather has been super helpful for our continuous outdoor practices and games,” Staples girls’ soccer player Willa Shamie ’27 said. “As we continue on we are hoping that the weather stays similar to how it has been.”