New Wreckers deli excites students

Students waiting in line at the new Wreckers Deli for a faster approach to sandwiches.

Kylie Cohen ’20

Students waiting in line at the new Wreckers Deli for a faster approach to sandwiches.

The Staples cafeteria introduced the new Wrecker’s Deli, allowing students and staff to pre-order sandwiches during lunch waves for the convenience of students with after-school activities.
During the three lunch waves, long lunch lines make it difficult for students to order and eat a sandwich before lunch ends. The Wrecker’s Deli reduces the crowd by providing another line for students.
The Wrecker’s Deli was implemented in lieu of an app to pre-order sandwiches (the deli app was a false rumor circulating the building). Amber Egervari works in the Staples cafeteria in the sandwich line.
“There’s been rumors of a sandwich app for years but it has never come to fruition,” Egervari said. “We were close to making an app one time, but I don’t think it will happen in this school year.”
The deli has proven helpful for students who remain at school well into the afternoon.
“It really comes in handy for me when I need to eat something substantial before a game,” Josh Hockhauser ’22, who plays for the boys’ soccer team, said.

Cafeteria Director Deb VanCoughnett came up with the idea for the Wrecker’s deli with inspiration from the sandwich shop Jersey Mike’s Subs.
“Where we really want to see some movement is the students pre-ordering them at lunch,” VanCoughnett said, “so that they can take them with them on their buses for football games, basketball games, track meets, etc.”
The Deli has proven to be a success, as 100 sandwiches a day are being ordered on average, compared to 60 sandwiches a day when it first opened.
The Staples community is looking forward to the new convenience that the Wrecker’s Deli will bring.