Palmer announces retirement

Photo from Westport Public Schools website
Dr. Colleen Palmer announced her resignation after three years as superintendent of Westport Public Schools.
Superintendent Dr. Colleen Palmer announced on March 14 that she will retire on Aug. 1.
“The district is in a time right now where it can be handed over to another superintendent, and I will work tirelessly to make sure that happens smoothly,” Palmer said.
In a press release, Board of Education Chair Mark Mathias thanked Palmer for her contributions to Westport Public Schools.
“Dr. Palmer has worked tirelessly on behalf of our students through a challenging time for our community,” Mathias wrote.
Board of Education members will form a search committee to find a successor superintendent on March 18. The district will also replace Principal James D’Amico, who announced six days ago that he will leave Staples High School for New Fairfield High School next year.
Palmer has spent 35 years in the Connecticut education sector. Prior to her three years in Westport, she served as superintendent of Weston Public Schools.
Palmer described interacting with students as the best part of her current job.
“Wherever I am, students come up to me and they say hello,” Palmer said. “They create engaging conversations. They have experiences, learnings they want to share, and that energizes me.”
Palmer looks forward to spending more time with her five young grandchildren, skiing and rowing during her retirement.
“I have enjoyed my time thoroughly here,” Palmer said. “It is bittersweet for me to leave, but I also know that family commitments tug at my heartstrings.”
[Click here to read the email Palmer sent parents.]

Sophie Driscoll ’19 is one of the two editors-in-chief of Inklings, and is taking Advanced Journalism for her fourth year in a row. She is drawn to it...