Student Assembly creates QR code to report issues

Photo courtesy of Student Assembly

Student Assembly posts flyers in bathrooms to report vandalism and damage.

The Staples Student Assembly recently put up posters, each with QR codes that link to a Google Form for students to report issues including vandalism, leaks and other problems in school restrooms. These posters went up Jan. 28.

The forms were developed by Student Assembly and the administration as a way to combat the graffiti on the bathroom walls. Additionally, Staples bathrooms contain leaks, plumbing issues and many out-of-order stalls.

“I think the vandalism problems and maintenance issues in the bathroom are really bad.” Chelsea Gaspel ’21 said. “Something needs to be done to help this. I see it way more than I should.”

The new form created by the administration keeps students anonymous, but they have not yet determined who will receive the direct reports from the form.

English teacher Jamie Pacuk reports that there are many issues such as vandalism and plumbing. “Students usually do not know where to report an issue and most likely do not have time,” Pacuk said.  “Something such as a leak can go unnoticed for weeks by the administration.”

Student Assembly and administrators are hoping that the QR code posters will decrease the amount of missed problems.

“I have walked into bathrooms with vulgar comments on the wall and stalls out of order,” Millie Connors ’20 said. “I have never thought of actually doing anything about it.  Maybe that’s why these problems keep showing up. Because no one does anything about it.”

“The QR code posters are currently just a trial run,” member of Student Assembly, Amanda Samuels ’19 said. “There is no way to know if this is the permanent solution for vandalism.”

“We are just testing the QR code posters, we do not know exactly how it will end up, and for right now there is no long term solution.” Samuels said.

The thought of the phrases written on bathroom stalls being a cry for help has crossed administrators’ minds.

“I would hope that students who need something [help], would find a better way to do it rather than destruct property,” Pacuk said. “The more mature way would be to seek help than trash the school. Not everyone thinks that way though, and hopefully minimizing the vandalism will change their minds.”