WPS eliminates Wednesday before Thanksgiving

By Emma Dantas ’21
Westport Public Schools no longer has school on Wednesday Nov. 21, the day before Thanksgiving, to allow for a more family-oriented break. With the day typically having lots of absenteeism from the student body, the administration found the day to lack educational productivity.
“By scheduling the school day at another time of the year, we can benefit from a full day of instruction, a more valuable educational day for our students,” Superintendent Dr. Colleen Palmer said.
Westport schools will still maintain 182 school days over the course of the year. The school will also still host six professional development days for the teaching staff, losing no days in the calendar.
Many students are looking forward to the new schedule and a day spent with family, while also getting a break from school life.
“Now that we have the full day off, I get to spend the full day with my cousins when they come to town, which is exciting,” Sam Ronca ’20 said
Although students have the day off, secretaries and non-union staff will have a typical work day. However, they may take the day as a vacation day to enjoy an extended break as well.
English teacher Mary Hocking looks forward to a day off.
“I think [the day] is adding a little bit of family time and just not having to come in on that day,” Hocking said. “I will definitely be sleeping in and just getting ready for Thanksgiving.”