Adam Wenkoff ’18
Two electric car chargers were installed next to the field house at Staples High School two weeks ago. The chargers were installed as part of the Town of Westport’s Green Task Force initiative. The Green Task Force was established in 2006 and it aims to reduce usage of fossil fuels in Westport and make the town a sustainable green community.
Previously, the Green Task Force has focused on making more homes solar-powered with its Solarize Westport initiative. This year, the Task Force has been especially focused on installing public stations where people can charge their electric cars. The Westport Public Library, Greens Farms Train Station and Westport Town Hall now all have electric car chargers, with Staples being the newest location.
Although the chargers at Staples were only installed a few weeks ago, it was decided that the school would become a public charging station a while ago. Principal James D’Amico is in full support of the decision saying, “the decision was made before I became principal, but I think it’s a great idea.”
Some students, however, feel differently. “I don’t think that many students or faculty members would have electric cars that need charging,” Jacob Lustig ’18 said. “The money put toward these chargers could be put toward things that would be more widely used.”
Tyler Wright ’18 agreed, saying that “People that own electric cars will probably charge them at home, so I’m not sure why they were installed at Staples.”
While Staples doesn’t have many students or faculty members that drive electric cars, D’Amico thinks that overall residents of Westport will really benefit from the new chargers,. “My understanding is that Staples was selected as a site because so many of the town’s residents use the building.”