On Sunday November 23, at the Pequot Library in Southport, Wells Baumann ’16 held a variety show fundraiser for his Eagle Scout Service Project.
According to Baumann, in order to become an Eagle Scout, he must lead a community service project, and he chose to send care packages to a platoon of American troops stationed in Kuwait.
For Baumann, choosing his means of fundraising was an easy decision.
He is an active member of Staples Players and Orphenians, has played classical piano for nearly a decade, and even taught himself the trumpet over the summer.
Baumann said his passion for music helped him decide that a variety show would be “an ideal platform to raise funds, as a variety show is a unique form of fundraising for an Eagle Scout Service Project.”
Baumann’s sister, Cameron Baumann’16, who attends the pre-college division of the Manhattan School of Music, also played a role in the fundraiser.
Along with various singing performances, his sister and her music school friends performed classical and contemporary music.
“I am honored that many friends have volunteered to share their musical talent in support of this project,” Baumann said.
His sister was happy to support her brother. Baumann says she has watched her brother progress and she couldn’t be prouder of where he has gotten. “I feel that the variety show brings together two things that shape who he is, scouting and the arts,” Baumann said.
Adriana Bay’16, of Fairfield Ludlowe, who also attends the Manhattan School of Music Pre-College, was also excited to have had the opportunity to celebrate Baumann’s achievement. “Being able to share music with people is something I have grown up loving and the project is for a really good cause.”
Indeed, Baumann aimed for his project to make a strong impact.
“Troops deployed across the globe will not share the same comforts as us this holiday season. Hopefully receiving a care package can remove such a burden,” Baumann said.