Varied temperatures confuse outfit decisions

During the first weeks of school the students here at Staples are still sporting their summer apparel. However, the seasons are changing, along with the temperatures, which calls for a wardrobe revision.
On any given day, the iPhone weather app will give temperatures that are usually seen on a warm winter day, like fifty degrees, and then show seventy-five degrees later on in the same day.
The mornings seem to start off winter cold, but some how end up with 65 degree temperatures in the afternoon. Everyone is asking “what do I wear?” Is it too warm for boots and sweaters? Too cold for shorts?
Shelby Lake ‘17 and Robert Gordon ‘16 are two students who’re still confused on what to wear, due to the varied temperatures.
“Even if it is warm outside, these morning temperatures make it still too cold to wear short sleeves,” Lake said.
Gordon felt the same way about the wardrobe confusion,“ I’ll be wearing long pants and a flannel to keep me warm. But, it’s annoying because I leave school and it feels like summer again, well not quite,” Gordon said.
The average weather is 60 degrees for the first week in October, according to “Weather Underground.” However, this year it seems like fall is starting sooner.
Scott Pecoriello, Staples “weatherman,” said, “We now get these really big pushes of cold air from the north trying to bring in winter, but warm ocean temperatures from the summer, and it ends up being a battle.” These are generally the cause of the cold morning temperatures, and then the afternoon spring-like weather.
The temperatures this October seem to be smack in the middle of the record high for October 1st, which was 83 °F, recorded in 1986. With this weather, we could all still be wearing our summer wardrobe. Although, in 1992, the record low was 35 °F, a temperature that seems accurate enough to describe these mornings. Although this weather seems to be all over the place, like Pecoriello will be over soon, and have a consistent range of temperatures, now that we are falling more into the fall season.
Hopefully as the weeks pass, the weather will be more consistent, and will allow Staples students’ to wear an outfit that fits both the morning and afternoon temperatures.

Ivy Prince ’17 is one of two web editors for the Inklings Arts & Entertainment section. This is her second year on the Inklings staff, after taking...