Inklings News • April 14, 2014 •
Images of what some students were doing when not in school
Abbey Fernandez
Pre-spring break pedicures > school. Your math teacher won't paint your toes after all! Priorities…
Staples students were busy on Monday, April 14, even if they were not in school. From pedicures to community service, students share their photos.
Taylor Harrington ’15 attempts to mimic the well-known Chip’s pancakes for breakfast on this sunny morning.
Staples students paint a house in Oakland, CA while on a Temple Israel Senior Youth community service trip.Staples student, Kacey Hertan, paints a house in Oakland, CA while on a Temple Israel Senior Youth community service trip.Staples student, Daniella Karpenos, paints a house in Oakland, CA while on a Temple Israel Senior Youth community service trip.
Sunny Spring weather promotes perfect hiking conditions at Mt. Greylock in the Berkshires, Massachusetts.
Aileen Coyne at the airport in Cancun, Mexico after just arriving.