Larissa Lieberson
The winning team poses for a photo after their big victory.
On April 1, boys and girls alike battled it out to steal the 2014 Dodge-a-Cop title.
Dodge-a-Cop, an event hosted by the Police Youth Collaborative, is a dodgeball tournament. Each team that signs up is comprised of five students and one cop.
The winning team was made up of James Rubin ’14, Steven Sobel ’14, Jake Reiner ’14, George Ingber ’14 and Dan Boyce ’14, who received t-shirts to commemorate their skills.
“The Dodge-a-Cop event is a perfect vehicle for getting kids and policemen together in a non-law enforcing atmosphere,” Officer Ned Batlin said.
Participating in this tournament creates unison amongst unexpected characters.
“Usually when you see a cop around town, it’s in a bad situation, so this event is a great way to connect with policemen in a positive environment,” Daisy Laska ’16 said.
Moreover, all proceeds go to a great cause.
“When a team signs up, their money goes directly to Homes for Hope, which is a charity which houses people in need,” Olivia Wiener ’15 said.