A new face in the Staples library media staff, Colin Neenan, might be popping up on students’ twitter feeds soon. His new account, @YearofStaples, is posing new questions every day for all Staples students and staff to answer.
On September 10th, he tweeted, “#StaplesDay10 What could you accomplish this year that you think is both possible and will really impress you if you pull it off?”
For Neenan himself, the answer could be compiling a published book of every question and answer tweeted on the account throughout the school year.
Neenan undertook the same project last year when he worked at Trumbull High School. His end result was a book entitled “180 days_140 Characters.”
“I think it’s a really fun idea and a good way to get the school involved in something together,” Luci Slater ’14, said.
Slater was encouraged to participate in Neenan’s project in Holly Sulzycki’s Rhetoric and Persuasion class.
Neenan admitted that starting up his account has been a slow process during the busy back to school weeks.
“The secret to success is to get the word out,” advised Library Media Specialist Robin Stiles.
To do so, Neenan encourages all Staples members to generate questions of their own.
The suggestions have ranged from what would you bring with you to a desert island to what should we do about the Syria conflict.
“I asked ‘where would want to go in the world and what would you do there?’ as my question,” said Josh Berman ’17. “The next day it showed up for #StaplesDay13.”
Many students like Berman have contributed their ideas by replying to tweets, using the daily hashtag, or tweeting directly at @YearofStaples. Neenan, meanwhile, is compiling all questions and responses in a google doc.
Neenan is pleased with the feedback so far, and remarks that his inspiration for taking on such a task is simple.
“A lot of education comes down to what questions we ask,” he concludes. “There are a lot of great minds here at Staples, and this is an opportunity for people to voice opinions one tweet at a time.”